PSGC Undergraduate Space Grant Scholarship 2014 Pennsylvania

Name of the Organization : Pennsylvania Space Grant Consortium (
Name of the Scholarship : PSGC Undergraduate Space Grant Scholarship 2014
US State : Pennsylvania
Country : United States of America

Website :

Related :
ETSU International Students Academic Merit Scholarship United States of America :

1. The PSGC Undergraduate Space Grant Scholarship :

The Pennsylvania Space Grant Consortium invites students to apply for the PSGC Undergraduate Scholarship for the 2014-15 academic year. Four scholarship recipients will receive $4000 each. Awardees may apply for a second year.

Under represented groups in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields (STEM) are encouraged to apply.

The PSGC Undergraduate Scholarship is awarded to full-time students attending an accredited Pennsylvania college or university with outstanding academic records who will be juniors or seniors in Fall 2014. Students must be U.S. citizens, enrolled in science, engineering, or mathematics and likely to pursue a career in an area of interest to NASA with demonstrated potential for graduate study.

The NASA Strategic Enterprises are Aero-Space Technology, Earth Science, HEDS, Space Science, and Biological and Physical Research. To learn more about NASA research priorities, please see the following research program homepages : Earth Science, Space Science, Biological and Physical Research, Aerospace Technology, and Space Flight. Fields of study in most departments are eligible.

In keeping with the National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program goals, scholars will participate in mentoring or educational outreach activities (for grades K-12 or the general public) for a minimum of ten hours per semester. Failure to assume a mentor role or maintain a high academic standard will be reason to disqualify the student from continuing support. Work outside the attending institution is not necessary.

Related Post

2. Who is eligible? :

The PSGC Undergraduate Scholarship will be awarded for one academic year to four full-time rising junior or senior students with outstanding academic records enrolled in science, engineering, mathematics or technology. Women and minorities are especially encouraged to apply. U.S. citizenship is required. Awardees will be requested to provide proof of United States citizenship (e.g. photocopy of passport, birth certificate, naturalization papers).

3. How do I apply? :

All applications must be submitted on-line for electronic review. Selection will be made by a committee of faculty, staff, and students.

For an application to be complete all of the following materials are required :
** Two Letters of recommendation from faculty members or advisors.
** Resume.
** College transcripts.
** Description of your Research Project and Plan of Study. Describe your academic and career goals and how they are related to NASA’s strategic enterprises.
** Description of your community service, extra-curricular activities, work experience, evidence of good mentoring skills, awards and/or honors.
** A brief description of your interest in and ideas for mentoring or education outreach activities.

Apply Here :…nt-scholarship

Application Deadline : April 18, 2014

Supporting material due : April 21, 2014

For more information, please contact :
Alli Fox
Pennsylvania Space Grant Consortium
2217 Earth-Engineering Sciences Building
University Park, PA 16802

Tel : (814) 865-2535
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