intec.edu.za Further Education & Training Certificate-Early Childhood Development NQF 4 SAQA ID 58761 South Africa : INTEC College

Name of the Organization : INTEC College
Type of Facility : Further Education & Training Certificate-Early Childhood Development NQF 4 SAQA ID 58761
Country : South Africa

Official Website : http://www.intec.edu.za/course/C-5744/further-education-and-training-certificate-early-childhood-development-nqf-4-saqa-id-58761/

Training Certificate-Early Childhood Development NQF 4 :

The Further Education and Training Certificate :
Early Childhood Development will enable you to facilitate all-round development of young children in a manner that is sensitive to culture and individual needs (including special needs).

Related : Damelin Correspondence College Higher Certificate-Early Childhood Development NQF 5 South Africa : www.statusin.org/4946.html

It will also enable you to provide quality early childhood development services for children in a variety of contexts, including community-based services, ECD centres, at home and in institutions. In particular, recipients of this qualification will be able to: – Plan and prepare for Early Childhood Development – Facilitate and monitor the development of babies, toddlers and young children – Provide care and support to babies, toddlers and young children. This qualification provides a means for formal recognition of those who are already practising in the field, without ECD qualifications, as well as for those who wish to enter the field. This qualification will also provide a basis for further professional development for experienced practitioners in the field who have had limited or difficult access to further career development opportunities.

Course Type : National Qualification
NQF Level : 4
SAQA ID Number : 58761

Programme Type :
The Further Education and Training Certificate :
Early Childhood Development NQF 4 SAQA ID 58761 is an accredited National Qualification with ETDP SETA. Accreditation with ETDP SETA The ETDP SETA granted INTEC College full accreditation for the Further Education and Traning Certificate: Early Childhood Development NQF 4 SAQA ID 58761 with 140 credits. Your learner details are uploaded to the ETDP SETA database upon enrolment. An ETDP SETA verification site visit concludes and confirms your successful achievement of the unit standards linked to the qualification. This achievement record will then be uploaded to the NLRD (National Learner Record Database) via the ETDP database.

Entrance Requirement :
Communication and Maths Literacy at NQF Level 3, Grade 11 (Std. 9) and a Second South African language at NQF Level 2, Grade 10 (Std. 8).

Course Duration :
You should be able to complete this course within 24 months

Course Content :

Fundamental :
Maths Literacy 7468 – Use Mathematics to investigate and monitor the financial aspects of personal, business, national and international issues 9015 – Apply knowledge of statistics and probability to critically interrogate and effectively communicate findings on life-related problems 9016 – Represent, analyse and calculate shape and motion in a 2 and 3 dimensional space in different contexts Fundamental: Second South African Language – Kommunikasie 119472 – Akkommodering van die gehoor deur middel van mondelinge kommunikasie of lyftaal om sodoende die spreker se boodskap duideliker oor to dra 119457 – Skryf ‘n reeks kommunikasietekste 119467 – Taal en kommunikasie in beroepsgerigte leerprogramme 119465 – Interpretasie en gebruik van tekste Fundamental: Communication 119462 – Engage in sustained oral/signed communication and evaluate spoken/signed texts 119469 – Read/view, analyse and respond to a variety of texts 119471 – Use language and communication in occupational learning programmes 119459 – Write/present/sign for a wide range of contexts Core 244468 – Prepare resources and set up the environment to support the development of babies, toddlers and young children 244462 – Work with families and communities to support Early Childhood Development 244484 – Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the development of babies, toddlers and young children 244480 – Facilitate the holistic development of babies, toddlers and young children 244475 – Observe and report on child development 244472 – Prepare Early Childhood Development programmes with support 244469 – Provide care for babies, toddlers and young children 244485 – Design activities to support the development of babies, toddlers and young children

Core :
Throughout the course, it is compulsory that you perform the practical tasks within an ECD centre that is registered with the Department of Social Development. It is therefore a prerequisite for you to access a registered ECD centre where you need to physically perform the prescribed tasks to complete the course.

Electives :
114942 – Describe how to manage reactions arising from a traumatic event 244259 – Support children and adults living with HIV and AIDS 242816 – Conduct a structured meeting 13643 – Develop learning programmes to enhance participation of learners with special needs

Assessment :
Assessment of your competency is based on the evidence you will submit in a Portfolio of Evidence (PoE). Your PoE will include theoretical tasks and evidence of the practical tasks done at a registered ECD centre. It is therefore important that you know and understand that you must identify and arrange access to a registered ECD centre at the start of your studies, in order to complete the practical tasks required, without which you will not be able to complete your studies

Award :
On successful completion of your studies and verification of the results conducted by the ETDP SETA, you will receive your Further Education and Training Certificate :
Early Childhood Development NQF 4 SAQA ID 58761, which is awarded by the ETDP SETA. You will also receive a Statement of Results from INTEC College.

Course Fees :
Normal Price : R 12,700
Web Only Price : R 11,430
You Save : R 1270 (10%)

Enroll Now : https://www.intec.edu.za/student-portal/

Please Note :
The special Web Only Price listed above is only valid if you complete the enrolment form on the INTEC website and choose one of the Payment in Full options available to you.

Your Payment in Full options are :
Credit Card (you can use your budget facility) Internet Banking Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Direct Deposit (at any FNB Bank Branch) Cheque, Postal Order or Cash (delivered or posted to one of our branches) The Payment Plan option on our website does not qualify you for our special Web Only Prices

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