jobsfund.org.za : Apply For Jobs Fund & Track Application Status Online South Africa

Name of the Organization : The Jobs Fund
Type of Facility : Apply For Jobs Fund & Track Application Status Online
Country : South Africa
Official Website : http://www.jobsfund.org.za/default.aspx

Apply For Jobs Fund

The Jobs Fund creates jobs by supporting initiatives that generate employment in innovative ways. The Fund offers once-off grants in the areas of enterprise development, infrastructure, support for work seekers and institutional capacity building.

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Established by the South African government in 2011, The Jobs Fund awards grants to organisations through a competitive project application process where only the best ideas are funded. The Jobs Fund operates on challenge fund principles. Funding allocations are transparent, open and competitive, and are made by an independent Investment Committee.

The Jobs Fund accepts applications from the private, public and non-governmental sector during calls for proposals. Project partners are required to share both risk and costs by matching the grant fund allocation on a 1 :1 ratio for private sector partners or 1:0.2 for non-private sector partners.

Funding criteria

The Fund considers proposals from municipalities, government departments, private sector and non-governmental organisations that show development potential linked to job creation.

The Jobs Fund reviews all applications against a set of criteria and eligibility factors. To make sure your application is considered, please download the criteria and related principles for the Jobs Fund.

Grant funding will be allocated on a competitive basis. Organisations that satisfy the co-funding component of the criteria, will be assessed favourably.

Application stages

The Jobs Fund has a two-stage application process; the Concept Application Stage and Full Application Stage. The application process begins when a call for proposals opens, and ends once a project has been approved by the Investment Committee.

Stage 1 – Concept Application Stage :
This first stage requires the submission of a Concept Application in a standardised format, via the electronic application system. The Concept Application includes a description of all the key features of the project and enables an initial assessment of the eligibility of an application as well as its competitive performance against the impact criteria.

Once all applications have been scored, they are ranked in order to identify the strongest projects within each funding window or broad category of projects and a decision is taken as to which proposals should proceed to Stage Two : Full Applications. This is the first competitive point in the application process.

Stage 2 – Full Application Stage :
Once concept applications are approved, a detailed project proposal will be requested. The request will be accompanied by guidance notes to help improve the quality and chances of success of the full application.

However, while the Jobs Fund Project Management Unit may consult with the applicant during the development of their detailed proposal, project design, associated activities and targets remain the responsibility of the applicant. The recommended project appraisals from this stage will then be submitted to the Investment Committee for funding approval. Competitiveness of the project proposals is a key consideration.

Why a two-stage process :
The rationale for a two-stage process is that it enables applicants to test the relevance of their proposed initiative in relation to the Fund’s criteria, without expending undue effort and cost in developing a detailed proposal and business plan.

Without this opportunity, many worthy applicants may choose not to apply, given the costs and risks associated with the development of a detailed proposal.

Contact :
Call : 086 100 3272
Email : info AT jobsfund.org.za

Categories: South Africa
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