Get Current Account Statements On Email South Africa : Nedbank

Name of the Organization : Nedbank
Type of Facility : Get Current Account Statements On Email
Country : South Africa

Official Website :

Get Current Account Statements On Email :

Get any of your Nedbank current account statements emailed to you for FREE.

Related : First National Bank Open Cheque Account Online South Africa :

Choose to have your current account statements delivered straight to your email inbox. It’s quick and safe and, because there’s no paper wastage, it’s so much kinder to the environment.

It’s quick because there’s no waiting for the post. It’s safe because your statement is encrypted and only you can view it.

By opting for eStatements, you’re making a tangible contribution to shrink your and Nedbank’s carbon footprint. As South Africa’s green bank, and to show our commitment to a cleaner, greener world, Nedbank will donate 25c to The Green Trust on your behalf for every statement we send. It’s the small things we do together that add up to make a

PLUS we’ll donate 25c to the Green Trust for every eStatement requested to show our commitment to a paperless environment.

So make the move and make a difference.

Sign Up Here :

Legal and general information :
While Nedbank is constantly striving to provide a service that is intended to make your banking as easy and convenient as possible, all South African banks are legally obliged to verify information received from clients – both new and existing.

Therefore, apart from the information that you will provide in your online application, we may require certain additional documentation and information from you. In some cases this may even be required before the bank can complete the processing of your application. Should we need anything more, a Nedbank consultant will contact you to make the necessary arrangements.

We are an authorised financial services provider. We are a registered credit provider in terms of the National Credit Act (NCR Reg No NCRCP16 ).

eStatement :
Is a service in which any current account statement from Nedbank is delivered straight to your email inbox for FREE. No waiting, no wasting. It’s quick, safe and, because there is no paper wastage, its so much kinder on the environment.

It’s quick because there is no waiting for the post. Its safe because your statement is encrypted and only you can view it. Plus we will donate 25c to the Green Trust at no cost to you for every eStatement sent to show our commitment to a paperless environment.

What does it cost?
eStatements is a FREE service to Nedbank current accountholders.

About Us :
Our ordinary shares have been listed on JSE Limited (the JSE) since 1969 and on the Namibian Stock Exchange since 2007. We are a JSE Top 40 company with a market capitalisation of R93 billion as at 31 December 2016. Old Mutual plc is our majority shareholder and has 54,6% ownership of Nedbank Group.

Contact :
Call 0860 555 111, ask a banker at your nearest

View Comments (1)

  • I would appreciate a statement and hope that this application works because I get no luck with contacting Cresta - my branch. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map