Expired Card Renewal Ghana : Foreigners Identification Management System FIMS

Name of the Organization : Foreigners Identification Management System
Type of Facility : Expired Card Renewal
Country : Ghana

Official Website : https://www.fims.org.gh/

How To Renew An Expired Card :

Documents Required for Renewal :
All of the following is required for the renewal and card issuance process :
** Passport
** Resident permit

Related : FIMS Ghana Buy Scratch Card : www.statusin.org/5078.html

** Expired Non-Citizen Card

Renewal Process :
Step 1 – Purchase of Renewal Scratch Card :
All foreign nationals with an expired non-citizen Ghanacard will first purchase a scratch card called the FIMS Renewal scratch card at any CAL Bank branch at a fee of USD60 or Cedi equivalent at time of registration. Download Renewal form and fill before proceeding to purchase a renewal card. The applicant presents the application form and the FIMS renewal scratch card at the registration centre. Each Scratch card has a serial number and a Personal Identification Number (PIN).

Step 2 – Data Capture :
** At the registration centre, the applicant fills out the application form with his/her biographic information.
** When the application form is completed, the applicant proceeds to a Data Entry Officer to process the biometric information.
** When needed, a customer service assistant is at hand to help fill in the form.
** The applicant then gives the FIMS Renewal Scratch card and application form to the Data Entry Officer who verifies the PIN on the FIMS Renewal Scratch card and captures the data on the application form into the database.
** The Data Entry Officer also captures the biometric data of the applicant.

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The biometric data to be captured are :
** Fingerprint;
** Photograph (portrait); and
** Signature on an electronic pad.

Step 3 – Instant Card Issuance :
The data is processed; the applicant verifies and validates data captured and instantly a Non-citizen Ghanacard is issued.

Features of the Non-citizen Ghanacard :
** Security features make forgery and duplication very difficult.
** Holographic laminate displays a unique optical pattern.
** Biometric data including fingerprints and digital signatures are stored as images in an individual’s file.
** Unique Personal Identification Number.
** Personal data can be read automatically in usages that require the holder to provide an identity evidence and authentication.

Where to Register :
Foreign nationals who arrive in Ghana for a period of at least 90 cumulative days in any given year or those who are already living in the country should go to the permanent registration centres to register for their Non-citizen Ghanacard :

*All foreign nationals who registered during the mass registration exercise are required to re-register to acquire the Non-Citizen Ghanacard.

Renewal Form https://www.statusin.org/uploads/5082-Registration_form.pdf

Our Help Lines:
+233 50 126 7262
+233 50 126 7280

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