Pay Your Electricity Bills Online : Belize Electricity Ltd

Name of the Organization : Belize Electricity Limited
Type of Facility : Pay Your Electricity Bills Online
Country : Belize

Official Website :

Pay Your Electricity Bills Online :

Bank Online :
Pay your electricity bills from the comfort of your own home or office through your online bank account with any local bank in Belize.

Related : Belize Electricity Ltd New & Existing Meter Connection :

Atlantic Bank, Belize Bank and Heritage Bank offer real time processing; this means that BEL immediately has a record of your payment.

First Caribbean Bank and Scotia Bank also offer online payment services however, payments are processed within 1 or 2 business days.

Customers receive a confirmation number for payments made online. An online account with your perferred local bank is required.

Pay Online :

Banks Counter :
You can pay your electricity bill at any of the 5 local banks.

Atlantic Bank, Belize Bank and Heritage Bank (Pomona Branch only) offer real time over-the-counter payment processing; this means that BEL immediately has a record of your payment.

Over the counter payments made with First Caribbean Bank and Scotia Bank are processed within 1 or 2 business days.

Customers are not required to have a bank account with Belize Bank or Atlantic Bank in order to pay their electricity bills via these banks.

Over the counter payments must be validated with a Bank teller stamp.

With the exception of Heritage Bank’s Pomona branch, Heritage offers online and phone text banking only.

Payment Options :

Debit Cards :
You can pay your electricity bill with your Debit Card at BEL’s Headquarters, 2 1/2 Mls. Philip Goldson Highway, Belize City and BEL’s San Pedro Branch Office in San Pedro, Ambergris Caye. Payments are processed immediately.

If payments are made via online banking, Atlantic Bank, Belize Bank and Heritage Bank offer real time processing. This means that BEL immediately has a record of your payment. First Caribbean Bank and Scotia Bank also offer online payment services however, payments are processed within 1 or 2 business days. For online payments, an online banking confirmation number is provided.

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Pay By Debit Cards :

Credit Cards :
Credit card payments can be done with Visa Card and Master Card only.

Such payments can be made at :
** BEL Corporate Headquarters
** BEL’s San Pedro office
** Online via Atlantic Bank Limited

A BEL receipt is received for payments made at BEL locations, while a bank receipt is issued for payments made over the counter and an online banking confirmation number for payments made via the internet.

Pay By Credit Cards :

Direct Debit :
Direct Debit Payment Plan is a pre-arrangement between BEL, a customer and local banks in which a said amount will be deducted from the customer’s Savings, Checking, or Check Savings Account to pay a customer’s electricity bill.

How does it work :
The customer will authorize the local bank or financial institution to deduct an agreed sum from their bank account as determined by the amount on the electricity bill.

The local bank or financial institution informs BEL of the request.

On a monthly basis, BEL will provide the bank or financial institution with the amount due on the Customer’s electricity bill.

The amount on the electricity bill will be deducted from the Customer’s bank account (and will be paid to BEL).

What do customers need to do :
Customers need to visit their bank of choice and request to set up the direct debit and information to be sent to Belize Electricity Limited, Credit Control Section.

3rd Party Bill Pay Service Providers :
Third Party Bill Pay Service Providers are individuals or businesses that independently offer the service of receiving and making payments on behalf of BEL customers.

While 3rd Party Bill Pay Service providers serve as a means of making payments for your electricity bill to BEL, BEL advises that there are no established agreements between BEL and Third Party Bill Pay Service Providers, many of which charge customers a fee for their services. BEL therefore, accepts no responsibility or liability relating to customer payments made via Third Party Bill Pay Service Providers.

Customers are also advised that no official BEL receipts are issued for payments made with Third Party Bill Pay Service Providers, only receipts directly from such parties. You should request a bank transaction number from the service provider that can be cross referenced to your account.

Customers should also take into consideration that payments made to Third Party Bill Pay Service Providers may take more than one day to reach BEL.

Third Party Bill Payment Via Credit Card :

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