Apply For Waste Carrier License Botswana : Department of Waste Management & Pollution Control

Name of the Organization : Department of Waste Management & Pollution Control
Type of Facility : Apply For Waste Carrier License
Country : Botswana

Official Website :

Licensing Process for Waste Carriers :

1. Collection of both guidelines and application form by applicant

Related : Ministry of Trade & Industry Apply For Trade License Botswana :

2. Submission of filled application form by applicant and registration by licensing officer :
2.1 On submission of application form : Licensing officer checklist Completeness of application:
a) Copies of BA permits
b) Copies of Roadworthiness certificate
c) Copies of company registration

2.2 Licensing officer arranges with the applicant on when inspection? is to take place and about inspection checklist
2.3 Inspections are done on Mondays & Thursdays between 07 :30-12:15 hrs

2.4 On the date of inspection, licensing officer inspects the vehicle/waste carrier according to the inspection checklist :
a) If the vehicle does not meet the licensing requirements, automatically it fails the inspection hence the applicant is liable to arrange for another inspection
b) Re-inspection follows the same procedure as the first inspection
c) Only proceed to the next stage of the process after the vehicle passes inspection

3. Licensing process continues to the next step, where licensing officer processes the application form :
3.1 The application is entered into the database which determines the license number in cases of new applications.
a) For license renewals, the licensing process does not change.
3.2 Once database process is complete, the licensing officer may now enter the applicant in the available license template
3.3 The print out of the license is reviewed or assessed by a senior officer
3.4 Upon approval by the senior officer the license can be taken to the director/deputy director for authorisation
3.5 The license is then stamped with the departmental licensing stamp
3.6 Make a copy of the licence to be attached with application and inspection forms for filing

4. Issuing of license is done by any available licensing officer :
4.1 A fee of P110.00 per vehicle licence is required

Ensure that :
Application form received, Inspection date and Issuing license are all recorded in the license progress register; and the license recipient signs the record sheet to indicate when and who received the license.

Download Form :

Contact Address :
Department of Waste Management and Pollution Control
Private Bag BO 323 / Private Bag BR 132
Gaborone, Botswana

Toll Free Number : 0800 600 734

About Botswana :
At the time of independence, Botswana was largely rural and heavily dependent on the agricultural sector, with a per capita income estimated at less than US$100 per annum. Shortly thereafter, following the discovery of minerals (especially diamonds) it quickly became the fastest growing economy in the world, with growth rates averaging 13 percent during the 1970s and 1980s.

Diamonds soon began to dominate in terms of contribution to Gross Domestic Product (GDP), government revenue and export revenue. Significantly, high levels of sustained growth did not translate into substantial imbalances in either the fiscal or external arena.

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