Tax e-Filing System Dominica : Inland Revenue Division

Name of the Organization : Inland Revenue Division
Type of Facility : Tax e-Filing System
Country : Dominica

Official Website :

Tax e-Filing System :

Registration of e-user module enabling electronic user (e-user) registration, Inland Revenue Division user registration, and empowerment of the e-user to use e-services on behalf of other taxpayer.

Related : Inland Revenue Division Tax Returns Filing Dominica :

Taxpayer e-registration module enabling general and tax type specific taxpayer registration as well as amendment of taxpayer data.

e-Declaration module covers required e-filing functions : online submission and validation of declaration; data transfer to back-office system SIGTAS, receipt to the taxpayer after successful e-filing. The system facilitates the registered tax payer to enquire on his / her own tax account and e-filing/e-declaration documents.

e-Payment module enabling e-user to pay taxes using e-services of the system.


For information and/or assistance in using the tax e-filing system please contact our Help Desk :
Telephone Numbers : 1 (767) 266 3664, 1 (767) 266 3647 and 1 (767) 266 3698

Emails : etaxhelpdesk [AT] and irddom [AT]

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Our contact hours are : Mondays – 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Tuesdays to Fridays – 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

FAQs :
As a retiree do I still have to file an income tax return?
Every individual is liable to tax once that individual is engaged in any taxable activity. There is no age limit on paying of taxes. However, where the individual only source of income is from a source exempt from tax, the taxpayer is not required to file a tax return.

Can I make changes to my return after it is filed?
Yes, a taxpayer can request in writing for changes to be made to the Tax return after it is filed.

I am still required to pay a late payment penalty if I have received an extension to file my income
An extension of time for filing a return does not relieve one from the obligation to pay taxes due and therefore outstanding taxes will attract a late payment penalty of 10% of the outstanding tax due. Interest will also accrue on the outstanding balance.

I am unable to meet the deadline for filing my Income Tax Return. What Can I do to avoid penalty?
You may apply to the Comptroller in writing, requesting an extension of time for filing, stating the reason for the request and the intended filing date.

It must be noted however that an extension of time must be requested prior to the due date. The department would be grateful if these requests are made at least one month before the due date.

Where the tax fails to file the tax return by the extended time, the time granted becomes null and void; and the original due date for filing is now applicable.

I live overseas and have income from Dominica. Do I have to file an Income Tax Return?
** Any income from a source in Dominica is subject to be taxed in accordance to the income tax act.
** Incase of business income it will be taxed as Corporation Tax or personal income tax.

** In the case of income from the rental of movable & immovable properties, management services, independent personal services, etc; these will be taxed as withholding tax.

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