Inland Revenue Division : Income Tax Calculator Dominica

Name of the Organization : Inland Revenue Division
Type of Facility : Income Tax Calculator
Country : Dominica

Official Website :

Income Tax Calculator :

Computation Of Personal Income Tax :
(All Gray Fields are calculatable fields, i.e. you do not need to enter information in these fields)

Related : Inland Revenue Division Personal Income Tax Dominica :

101 Wages and Salary from Government Employment
102 Wages and Salary and Benefits from other Employment
104 Gross Employment Income (adds lines 101 and 102)
106 Less : Allowable Employment Deductions
108 Net Employment Income (subtracts line 106 from line 104)
114 Alimony or Maintenance receipts
115 Annuities
120 Gross Taxable Dividends
121 Commissions, Discounts, Fees, License Charges, and Premium Income
130 Other Income (include income earned overseas)
141 Net Rental Income
143 Net Business Income (include income earned overseas)
145 Net Professional Income (include income earned overseas)
147 Share of Income/Loss from Partnership
149 Share of Income/Loss from Estate or Trust
150 Total Income (adds lines 108 to 149)
151 Less : Prior Year(s) Loss (from bona fide business only)
152 Less : Exempt Income (Sickness/Maternity Benefit refunded to your employer)
155 Net Income (subtracts line 151 and line 152 from line 150)

Related Post

Computation Of Allowance And Deductions :
201 Allowance for Resident Individuals ($20,000.00)
202 Mortgage Interest (maximum allowable $15,000.00)
203 Approved Donations
205 Student Loan Interest (maximum per student $5,000.00)
210 Total Allowance and Deductions (adds lines 201 to 205)
250 Chargeable Income (subtracts line 210 from line 155)

Less : Credits And Payments:
312 Dividend and Double Tax Credit (not exceeding tax on Chargeable Income)
320 PAYE deductions (employees only)
321 Installment payments
350 Total Credits and Payments (adds lines 312 to 321)
351 Difference (subtracts line 350 from 300)
352 Add : Late-filing Penalty (multiplies line 300 by 5%)
353 Total amount outstanding (adds lines 351 and 352)
354 Enter here if payable
355 Enter here if refundable
356 Amount to be paid on filing

Caluclate Here :

Attention, please read the following information :
1. Make Cheque or Money Order Payable to the COMPTROLLER OF INLAND REVENUE,DO NOT MAIL CASH.
2. Return MUST be filled ON OR BEFORE MARCH 31st
3. Any balance due MUST be paid ON OR BEFORE MARCH 31st
4. A 10% PENALTY and INTEREST AT 1% PER MONTH OR PART THEREOF will be charged on payments made after MARCH 31st
5. If you require assistance in completing this form, contact the Inland Revenue Division at telephone number : 266 3600

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