Check Company/ Business Name Availability Dominica : Companies & Intellectual Property Office

Name of the Organization : Companies & Intellectual Property Office
Type of Facility : Check Company/ Business Name Availability
Country : Dominica

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Check Company/ Business Name Availability :

Choosing a name :
Similar rules apply to the choice of a name, whether this is being used for a company or other form of business. In short, the name must not be confusing, misleading or offensive. More precisely,

Related : CIPO Dominica Application For Business Name Registration  :

A name must not be :
** the same as a name already on the register in Dominica, or
** so similar as to confuse or mislead.

It must not imply a connection with :
** any part of government (unless approved by the Minister),
** a political party or its leader, or
** a university or professional association (unless there is a formal consent).

It must not give a false impression of :
** the nature of the business,
** how goods or services will be produced or supplied,
** who will be employed, or
** where its products or services will come from.

Finally, it must not be in any way objectionable.

Company names :
The word “limited”, “corporation” or “incorporated” or the abbreviation “ltd.” or “corp.” or “inc.” must be part of the corporate name of every company. These terms should not be used in a business name.

Checking whether a name is available :
Enter a key word from the proposed name. You can check against names already registered in Dominica or you can extend the search to ‘Caribbean’, which will currently check names registered in St Kitts, St Lucia and Grenada as well.

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We will list any names which include the word(s) you specify. Please consider carefully whether the name you are proposing is too like any of these names. If you submit an application to register a company or business name which is too like an existing name or which breaks any of the rules above, your application will be rejected.

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Contact Us :
Companies & Intellectual Property Office
1 Kennedy Avenue, Roseau
Commonwealth of Dominica.

Telephone : (767) 266-3358
Fax : (767) 440-6593
E-mail : cipo [AT]

FAQ’s :
Who may incorporate a Company?
Any person, who is over eighteen years of age, is of sound mind and does not have the status of a bankrupt may incorporate a company.

Who may incorporate an International Business Company?
Person may singly or jointly with others by subscribing to a Memorandum and to Articles, incorporate an International Business Company (IBC).

Who can register a Business Name?
Any individual, partnership or firm carrying on business in Dominica under a business name other than his or their true names(s) shall register their business in accordance with the Registration of Business Names Act, Chap 78:46 of the Revised Laws of Dominica 1990.

What is Intellectual Property (IP)?
The term Intellectual property (IP) refers to the body of works which is the result of a creative human mind or intellect.

IP protects the interests of creators in their works giving them property rights over their creations. IP rights are protected by national laws and international agreements – treaties and conventions.

What is CIPO?
The Companies and Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) was established under Part II of the Patent Act, Act 8 of 1999. The CIPO is the National Companies and Intellectual Property Registry for the Commonwealth of Dominica and is a Department of the Ministry of Tourism and Legal Affairs.

Categories: Dominica

View Comments (2)

  • I'm trying to search the company details of Merchant Shares. Unfortunately I'm not able to get any results. Can you please confirm the existence of such company, their core business and any other information that could be of help?

  • I am trying to locate the registry number for Ross University School of Medicine, School of Veterinary Medicine Limited. The search indicates (282) but if I search under that number, the results do now show this entity name. Are you able to confirm the Dominica registry number for this entity? © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map