Apply For Recognition Dominica : National Accreditation Board NAB

Name of the Organization : National Accreditation Board
Type of Facility : Apply For Recognition
Country : Dominica

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Apply For Recognition :

The law provides for qualifications awarded by institutions that are established outside of Dominica to be recognized by the NAB. Universally, recognition is viewed as the approval by an authorized agency, of the quality and acceptability of a legitimate educational institution and the qualification it awards.

Related : National Accreditation Board Apply For Equivalence Assessment Dominica :

In the international context, an institution or programme that is accredited by a legitimate authority is only guaranteed acceptability within the jurisdiction in which it was accredited.

Institutions and programmes that are accredited in one country are required to be recognized in another country, in accordance with the quality assurance system of the country receiving the qualifications. Recognition is not guaranteed across national boundaries. However, accreditation by a legitimate quality assurance agency lays the foundation for mutual recognition across boundaries.

The NAB provides authoritative advice and guidance on the recognition in Dominica of qualifications obtained abroad and of qualifications awarded by transnational institutions operating in Dominica. A transnational institution is one that has its origin and main establishment in a foreign territory and is operating a site in Dominica, whereas a foreign institution is one that is operating solely in a country or countries outside of Dominica. The NAB does not accredit qualifications awarded by foreign institutions. Its responsibility is to issue official statements on the recognition of those qualifications in Dominica.

How Does the NAB Determine the Recognition Status of a Qualification :
In order to determine whether a qualification should be recognised by employers, educational institutions and other stakeholders in Dominica, the NAB determines whether the institution awarding the qualification is accredited by a legitimate quality assurance agency. The accrediting agency must be one that is empowered to do so in accordance with the quality assurance system in that country. In a number of fields (e.g. medicine, law engineering, etc) graduation from an accredited programme in the field is the academic requirement for receiving a licence to practice in the field. In this context, specialised or programme accreditation is also required since it is recognised as providing a basic assurance of the scope or quality of academic or occupational preparation for the profession.

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International practice also provides for mutual recognition agreements that facilitate transnational recognition of qualifications awarded in those countries that are signatories to such agreements. Any country can agree to recognise the accreditation awarded by similar agency in another country. The NAB is a member of the International Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE) and a subscriber to the National Recognition Information Centre of the United Kingdom (UKNARIC) which provides valid, reliable and official information on the recognition and comparability of international qualifications from over one hundred and eighty (180) countries worldwide.

What is a Statement on Recognition :

Most employers and other public or private authorities (e.g. those responsible for the award of scholarships) require that the institution and programme be recognised. This is done through a Statement on Recognition, which provides details on the quality status of the institution or programme.

How can a Statement on Recognition Assist you :
A statement ensures that the institution at which you intend to enroll is quality assured and can assist you to :
** Meet the requirements for a scholarship application
** Qualify for the CSME “Skills Certificate”
** Gain entry to ‘further study’ in Dominica or abroad
** Obtain employment or promotion

Accepted forms of payment are :
** Cash (only if payment is made in person)
** Certified cheque, postal money order and bank draft (made payable to National Accreditation Board)

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Contact Us:
Address :
National Accreditation Board
C/o Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development
Government Headquarters
Kennedy Avenue

Email :
Phone : (767) 266 3460
Fax : (767) 448 0644

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