Apply For New ID Card & Check Application Status Online Abu Dhabi : Emirates Identity Authority

Name of the Organization : Emirates Identity Authority
Type of Facility : Apply For New ID Card & Check Application Status Online
Location: Abu Dhabi
Country: United Arab Emirates

Official Website :

Apply For New ID Card:

Acquiring an ID card is mandatory for all individuals residing in the UAE , i.e. UAE nationals, GCC nationals, expats and residents

Related : Emirates Identity Authority Apply For ID Card Renewal Abu Dhabi :

Service Scope:
First time application to Emirates Identity Authority

Service Eligibility:
All individuals residing in the UAE including UAE nationals, GCC nationals, expats and residents who have not been issued ID cards

Service Policies:
** In case of receiving incorrect data, customers are notified through text message to update their application form via the website or the printing office
** ID cards that are issued for UAE nationals are valid for 5 years from the date of issuance for UAE nationals (or 10 years for an additional fee of AED 100)
** ID cards that are issued for GCC nationals are valid for 5 years from the date of issuance
** ID cards that are issued for residents are dependant on the duration of the residency permit
** An express processing service for ID cards is available in registration centers for UAE nationals, GCC nationals and residents. Additional service fees of AED 150 are applicable for express processing within 48 hours
** The express processing service is available to UAE nationals, GCC nationals and residents
** Applications are cancelled in case they are submitted with missing information or in case applicants fail to pay the service fees within 60 days of submission
** Expats are not issued ID cards until they receive residency visa. Pending applications are cancelled in case applicants fail to submit residency permits within 60 days of submission
** Customers who are late in submitting ID card applications are fined AED 20 per day up till a maximum of AED 1000

Service Fees:

** AED 100 for issuance or renewal of UAE nationals or GCC nationals ID cards for 5 years validity or AED 200 for 10 years validity. AED 70 is an additional fee that is collected in case of submitting the application through printing offices or AED 40 in case of submitting e-applications through EIDA website
** AED 100 for issuance or renewal of residents ID cards (for each residency year). AED 70 is an additional fee that is collected in case of submitting the application through printing offices or AED 40 in case of submitting e-applications through EIA website
** AED 1000 (per individual + per family + per day) for provision of transport service vehicle for family members for one day for UAE nationals, GCC nationals and residents. Customers can acquire the serivce by contacting the call center or visiting service centers. VIPs, social welfare beneficiaries, elderly, special needs and autistic individuals who are unable to go to the service centers
** AED 150 express service fees in main service centers

** Fees are not applicable to social welfare beneficiaries, special needs and autistic individuals
** Services which are excluded from fees exemption: (provision of transport service + express services)

UAE nationals who obtain a social welfare (Children whose data hasn’t been added in the system):
** social welfare certificate included the name of respective person
** Valid original passport
** Orginal family book
** Personal photo with size (4.5 × 3.5 cm) with white background
** Original birth certificate

UAE nationals who obtain a social welfare (Newborns):
** Unified number certificate from Department of Naturalization and Foreigners Affairs (or prove the unified number on the family book )
** Original birth certificate and social welfare certificate
** Family book included the newborn
** The original ID card of the parents or one of them, and a personal photo with size (4.5 × 3.5 cm) with white background

UAE nationals who don’t obtain a social welfare (+15 years):
** Original passport
** Original family book

Related Post

UAE nationals who don’t obtain a social welfare (Children whose their data have been added in the system):
** A certificate to prove identification number sealed from one of main centers of EIDA
** Original passport
** Original family book Personal photo with size (4.5 × 3.5 cm) with white background

GCC Nationals (Over the age of 15 years):
** Original valid Passport
** Proprietary or lease contract certified from the municipalty or the contracts competent entity. No national shall be registered with uncertified lease contract
** If a person works for a governmental entity he should present a work certificate issued from the entity he works for, and if he works in the private sector the work contract or work ID should be presented and it should be certified from the Labour Ministry. The private company work certificate shall not be enough if not certified.
** If a person is studying in the country, he/she should present a study certificate from any of the registered universities in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientifc Research. Certificates from unregistered universities shall not be accepted
** A certificate confirming obtaining a valid business license in the country
** Official transcript of the unified number from the General directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs and it should be clear on the passport
** A valid marriage contract of a UAE nationale

GCC senior citizens, and individuals with special needs:
** Original valid passport
** Proprietary or lease contract certified from the the municipalty or the contracts competent entity. No national shall be registered with uncertified lease contract
** If a person works for a governmental entity he should present a work certificate issued from the entity he works for, and if he/she works in the private sector the work contract or work ID should be presented and it should be certified from the Labour Ministry. The private company work certificate shall not be enough if not certified
** If a person is studying in the country, he/she should present a study certificate from any of the registered universities in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientifc Research. Certificates from unregistered universities shall not be accepted
** A recent medical report certified from the competent entity.
** Official transcript of the unified number from the General directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs and it should be clear on the passport
** Personal photo (3.5×4.5 cm) with a light blue background

GCC National (Under the age of 15 years):
** Original valid passport
** Property or lease contract certified from the the municipalty or the contracts competent entity. No national shall be registered with uncertified lease contract
** If a person is studying in the country, he/she should present a study certificate from any of the registered schools in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientifc Research. Certificates from unregistered schools shall not be accepted
** If a person’s father works for a governmental entity he should present a work certificate issued from the entity he works for, and if he works in the private sector the work contract or work ID should be presented and it should be certified from the Labour Ministry. The private company work certificate shall not be enough if not certified
** Official transcript of the unitied number from the General directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs and it should be clear on the passport
** Personal photo (3.5×4.5 cm) with a white background

GCC National (Individuals under the age of 15 years with special needs):
** A recent medical report certified from the competent entity.
** Proprietary or lease contract certified from the the municipalty or the contracts competent entity. No national shall be registered with uncertified lease contract
** If a person is studying in the country, he/she should present a study certificate from any of the registered schools in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientifc Research. Certificates from unregistered schools shall not be accepted
** If a person’s father works for a governmental entity he should present a work certificate issued from the entity he works for, and if he works in the private sector the work contract or work ID should be presented and it should be certified from the Labour Ministry. The private company work certificate shall not be enough if not certified.
** Official transcript of the unified number from the General directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs and it should be clear on the passport.
** Personal photo (3.5×4.5 cm) with a white background

Individuals who acquired the UAE nationaly including those with special needs but irrespective of age:
** The expired ID. If not available, refer to any of the principal centers for ID issuance or a copy of the ID.
** Original passport or (a certified copy of the previous nationality passport)
** Original Family Book
** social welfare certificate
** Personal photo (3.5×4.5 cm) with a white background

Expatriate (over the age of 15 years):
** Original valid passport
** Residency card or entry visa

Expatriate (under the age 15 years):
** Original valid passport
** Residency card or entry visa
** Original birth certificate or (the original passport or the father’s ID)
** Personal photo (3.5×4.5 cm) with a white background

Service Level Agreement:
** ID shall be issued within 48 hours from the time of submitting the application (Provided that all security permits and other procedures are completed on time)
** ID shall be delivered to those who apply for the Express service within 24 hours from the time the replacement application is submitted.

Service Availability:
Service shall be available 24 hours/ 7 days a week through the mobile application or the live chat and service center.

Service Channels:
** EIDA website
** Service Centers/ Printing offices

Call Center : 6005 30003

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