Emirates Identity Authority : Update Profile Information Abu Dhabi

Name of the Organization : Emirates Identity Authority
Type of Facility : Update Profile Information
Location: Abu Dhabi
Country: United Arab Emirates

Official Website : http://id.gov.ae/

Update Profile Information :

Emirates ID provides customers with the ability to update the information and personal data stored on the ID card.

Related : Emirates Identity Authority File Fine Exemption Request Abu Dhabi : www.statusin.org/5248.html

The personal data submitted to the Emirates ID is classified into essential data that are copied on the ID card such as name, nationality, and date of birth and inessential data such as residential address and job title.

Service Code:

Customer should show the UAE ID card and supporting documents (for .essential data) to ask for this service

Service Scope:
** Showing the information stored on the UAE ID card
** Editing the inessential personal data (such as residential address or job title)

Related Post

Service Eligibility:
All UAE population, i.e. UAE nationals, GCC nationals, expats and residents who have been issued UAE ID cards

Service Policies:
** Customer should submit an application to replace the ID card in case of he/she wants to change any of the main personal data copied on the card.
** Customer can change inessential personal data (such as address, marital status, educational degree, and others) through visiting the nearest registration center of Emirates ID or contacting the call center.

Service Level Agreement:
5 minutes

Service Availability:
** Service is available 24/7 through the mobile phone application, or the call center.
** Service is available during the normal working hours through the service centers.

Service Channels:
** Website (non-printed data on the card only).
** Service Centers
** Email (non-printed data on the card only).
** Mobile phone application (non-printed data on the card only).
** Live chat (non-printed data on the card only).

Customer Journey Steps:
I would like to show the information stored in my Emirati ID card:
** I Inquired about the services rendered by Emirates ID.
** I have access to my profile and used my preferred channel.
** I verified the information in my profile
** I have been asked to provide my opinion regarding the accuracy of the information in my profile.
** I provided an opinion about my experience through my preferred channel.

I would like to change the information stored in my Emirati ID card which is categorized as unimportant information by EIDA:
** I inquired about the services rendered by Emirates ID.
** I verified the information in my profile.
** I modified the information stored in my profile through my preferred channel
** My information has been updated.
** I have been asked to provide my feedback on the change of the information.
** I provided a background about my experience through my preferred channel.

I would like to change the information stored in my Emirati ID card which is categorized as unimportant information by EIDA:
** I Inquired about the services rendered by Emirates ID.
** I visited the nearest registration center of Emirates ID to change my important information.
** I submitted the supporting documents required to modify the information in my profile (in case of important information) through my preferred channel.
** My information have been updated in the system.
** Refer to the following customer journey: I would like to change the information printed on the card, like the name, nationality, etc.

Tags: id.gov.ae
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