Estimate Cost of Issue License : Department of Economic Development Dubai

Name of the Organization : Department of Economic Development
Type of Facility : Estimate Cost of Issue License
Location: Dubai
Country: United Arab Emirates

Official Website : https://ded.ae/

Estimate Cost of Issue License :

Before being involved in the actual procedures, users can calculate and print the cost of issuing a license.

Related : DED Dubai Renew License : www.statusin.org/5253.html

To calculate the cost of a license issuance:
In the left pane of the Business Dashboard page, under Enquiries, click Estimated Cost of Issue License.

Calculating the cost of license issuance is composed of the following simulated Steps:
Specifying the license activity:
** In the Activity Group section, from the Select Activity Group drop-down list, select the activity group including the activity / activities of your license.
** Click Search.
** Select the check box of the suitable activities, and then click Continue.

Specifying the number of owners / partners:
** In the Owners/Partners section, in the text box of each category, specify the number of the members in each group.
** Click Continue.

If you want to add a corporate as a partner in the license, categorize it as a Body corporate.

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Selecting the Legal type:
Defining the suitable legal type of an activity is based on the activities and owners / partners defined in the two previous steps.

From the Legal Type drop-down list, select the legal type of the business you want to establish (whether a Civil company or Limited Liability company), and then click Continue.

Choosing the trade name characteristics:
** After reading all the offered characteristics, select the check box of all the characteristics applicable to the reserved trade name.
** Click Continue.

Specifying the yearly rent of the license activity location:
To specify the yearly rent of the premises where the license operates
** In the Yearly Rent text box, type the rent rate in AED, and then click Calculate.
** The calculated rate appears in AED. Click Continue.

Displaying the average cost of registering a new license:
Issuing a trade license for a ceratin business activity is composed of the three following steps:
** Reserving a trade name
** Issuing an Initial approval
** Issuing trade license

Through this step, the average cost of each of the aforementioned steps is displayed separately with the overall cost calculated as well. The estimated cost of establishing your business is calculated based on the information previously provided.

After viewing the estimated cost, click Continue.

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