Dubai Customs : Request For Client Registration

Name of the Organization : Dubai Customs
Type of Facility : Request For Client Registration
Location : Dubai
Country : United Arab Emirates

Official Website : http://www.dubaicustoms.gov.ae/en

Request For Client Registration :

This service enables clients to register their business with Customs to allow them offically and legally transact with Dubai Customs.

Related : Dubai Customs Request For Client Accreditation : www.statusin.org/5269.html

Subject to this process, clients can be registered as authorized bodies by the Department, in order to complete their trading transactions successfully

Submit Here: http://www.dubaicustoms.gov.ae/en/eServices/ServicesForBusinesses/RegLicensing/Pages/ReqforClientRegistration.aspx

Eligible Categories :
all Dubai Customs clients

Documents Required:
1. Copy of valid commercial license
2. Copy of passport of the authorized person (in case of new registration)
3. Letter of Undertaking for vocational companies and non comercial activities

Related Post

Service Fees:
AED 100 for new code
AED 25 for renewal

Application Procedures:
Client can access Dubai Trade website, choose type of request, fill in data properly and attach the required documents. system provides request number for the client in order to check the status of request later

Client can communicate with Dubai Trade to check the status of request of enter number of request at Dubai Trade website

Client can access toits file at Dubai Trade website, and amend the request

access to file at Dubai Trade website and cancel the request

Service Delivery:
Client is to be notified via e-mail

Within one working day

Support Services: Call Center 800 800 80

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