Request To Record Trademark : Dubai Customs

Name of the Organization : Dubai Customs
Type of Facility : Request To Record Trademark
Location : Dubai
Country : United Arab Emirates

Official Website : http://www.dubaicustoms.gov.ae/en

Request To Record Trademark :

This service allows for the registration of a trademark (word, name, symbol, device, or any combination), used, or intended to be used in trade, in order to identify and distinguish the brand from that of other providers with similar trademarks, and to indicate the source of the brand.

Related : Dubai Customs Submit RAFED Information Online : www.statusin.org/5265.html

This service allows the maintenance of an updated customs database for intellectual property rights after completion of the necessary procedures and prior registration with the Ministry of Economy.

Clients shall request this service by filling out a Trademark Registration Form and submit it to the IPR Department, along with the registration fees

Submit Here : http://www.dubaicustoms.gov.ae/en/eServices/ServicesForBusinesses/RegLicensing/Pages/RecordTrademark.aspx

Eligible Categories:
Trademark owners, advocates and legal consultancy firms

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Documents Required:
1. Request for trademark registration for customs protection purposes.
2. Authenticated copy of valid trademark registration certificates.
3. Copy of translated and authenticated power of attorney.
4. VCD containing latest trademark details and features that enables Customs to distinguish between original and counterfeit trademarks.
5. Copy of trademark owner or legal representative’s ID.

Document Submission Place:
Dubai Customs main building- IPR Department- Trademark Registration Section

Working Hours :
Regular office hours 07:30 am – 02:30 pm

Service Fees:
AED 210

Application Procedures:
New: Submit required documents
Modification: Submit required documents
1. A To Whom It May Concern letter by the Ministry of Economy stating that the trademark has been cancelled or struck off
2. Proof of trademark ownership or copy of duly attested translated power of attorney

Service Delivery:
After fulfilling all requirements, a Trademark Registration Certificate is issued

Less than 2 hours

Support Services:
Call Center 800 800 80

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