Renew Investment License : Saudi Arabian General Authority

Name of the Organization : Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority
Type of Facility : Renew Investment License
Location: Riyadh
Country: Saudi Arabia

Official Website :–Servoce-/Renew-Investment-license/

Renew, Amend License & Book Appointment :

Please Read The Instructions And The Notes Below Carefully Before Proceeding With The License Renewal Process:
1) It is required to submit your license renewal request before 60 days from the expiry date of the license.

Related : Saudi Arabian General Authority New Investment License :

2) License renewal process takes around 60 days starting from the day of the receipt of the original application shipment by SAGIA until its delivered to you by EMS, knowing that it is not required to provide the original license in the application only a copy of it.

3) If the renewal request is for a main license with branches of the same activities/products and the same capital (all copies of sub-licenses and its related documents must be submitted in the same request).

4) If the renewal request is for a main license with branches of the same activities/ products and different capital (separate renewal requests must be submitted for each main or branch license).

5) If the renewal request is for a main license with branches of various activities/ products (separate renewal requests must be submitted for each main or branch license).

6) It’s recommended to use the latest version of internet explorer 11

7) Please download the – Asian – Arabic Font to be able to access the Renewal Application (from the following link)

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License Renewal Steps :

First Step – Obtain a WASEL address
To subscribe in WASEL please click below

Subscribe Here :

Second Step – Register online
To register please click below

Register Here :

Please note the followings:
SAGIA accept Electronic Renewal Requests only, Please Do Not Send The Documents Hard Copies By Wassel
Ensure clicking on the SUBMIT button in the electronic application on the website.

Third Step – Prepare the required documents for renewal:
* Basic requirements for license renewal:
1. A copy of the main license, and copies of all branches licenses if any.
2. A copy of the main commercial registration, and copies of all commercial registrations for branches if any. (not necessarily valid)
3. A valid copy of Zakat and Income certificate.
4. A valid copy of social insurance certificate, with all branches added if any.
5. A clear croquet drawing for the main entity site, and all branches if any.
6. The “Entity Biography Form” completely filled, signed and stamped with the official stamp of the entity.

** Secondary requirements:
1. A copy of last two financial statements audited from one of the licensed offices by Saudi Accountants Commission.
2. A copy of the municipality license for main entity, and all branches if any (or the land contract in case of the factory is within the industrial cities)
3. A copy of Saudization certificate from labor office.
4. A recent print (that does not exceed the duration of 15 days) of all foreigners employees under the entity from the Passport General Department (Aljawazat) or from Muqeem service.
5. A copy of the entity site lease contract
6. A copy of the three largest contracts, in terms of value, which are implemented by the entity (for service entities only).
7. A copy of the license/ permit issued by the competent authority to practice investment activity, if needed.

Please note the followings:
* Renewal request is considered rejected in case of the absence of one or any of the basic requirements listed above.
** The renewal submission must include the secondary requirements, listed above, up to date. The absence of those requirements may put the entity under violation..

Please Note The Following:
1. It is not required to wait for the activation of WASEL mail box to proceed with the license renewal process through the website. Customers can start the renewal procedures immediately after getting a proof of mail subscription in WASEL commercial.
2. All regions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are identified & addressed by WASEL. In case of any problems/ issues regarding WASEL addresses please contact us and clarifying the problem to be coordinated and handled through SAGIA with Saudi Post.
3. At each step of the renewal process steps, customers will receive an SMS notification, on the registered mobile, indicating the status of the renewal process (upon online registration, upon receipt of the application by SAGIA, upon the due of payment , upon completion of the renewal process, or upon the rejection of the application). In addition, customers can see the status of their renewal request at SAGIA through the entity account in SAGIA Website – Electronic Services
4. SAGIA fees for license renewal is 2000 SR for each main license.
5. SAGIA collects SR 10,000 at main license renewal , as annual subscription fee to obtain service from business center.
6. In case of any complaints/ comments/ inquiries, please direct them to Contact us page , a reply will be received within 48 hours

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