Apply For Certificate of Origin : Qatar Chamber

Name of the Organization : Qatar Chamber
Type of Facility : Apply For Certificate of Origin
Country : Qatar

Website :

Certificate of Origin :

The Qatar Chamber issues certificates of origin for export and re-export goods. This service is open to all citizens and residents of Qatar, and all chamber members.

Related : Qatar Chamber Apply Online For To Whom It May Concern Certificate :

Application Process:
Follow these steps to apply for a certificate of origin:
** Fill out the application form.
** Attach any relevant documents, such as a letter of request.
** Pay appropriate fees.

The certificate will be delivered once it is approved and ready.

Required Documents:
Depending on the type of goods, the chamber may require the following document(s) in order to issue a certificate of origin:
To issue a certificate of origin to export and re-export national products is required to provide commercial invoice including the following data:
** Invoice number and date
** The consignee and his address
** Method of transport (land – air – sea)
** Specifications of exported goods
** Total and net weight
** Number and type of parcels
** Country of origin
** Goods value
** Company seal and signature of the authorized signatory

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Important notes for certificate of origin to export national products:
** Exporting industrial products: it is required to provide a letter from Industrial Development Department at the Ministry of Energy & Industry defining the products produced by the company and the percentage of local added value achieved.
** Exporting fresh fish, the following must be considered:
** License for fishing vessel issued by Fish Resources Department at the Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Agriculture.
** Fish exporting card issued by Fish Resources Department at the Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Agriculture.
** Exporting livestock: it is required to provide a veterinary health certificate issued by Animal Health Department at the Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Agriculture.

Certificate of origin for re-exporting:

** Upon re-exporting vehicles: copies of export certificates issued by Traffic Department should be attached with the invoice if the vehicles are registered; otherwise a letter of guarantee that the vehicles are not registered with the Traffic Department, to be attached with the invoice or this is to be mentioned in the invoice of export.
** For exporting raw iron (scrape): it is required to obtain approval of Qatar Steel Company.
** For exporting used papers and carton wastes: It is required to obtain approval of Industrial Development Department (Unless the firm has industrial license including carton pressing activity.)
** For re-exporting livestock: it is required to obtain a veterinary health certificate from Animal Health Department at the Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Agriculture.
** For re-exporting vessels and boats: a deletion certificate to be attached.
** For re-exporting transit cargos: copy of customs statement issued by Customs Department to be attached.
** In all cases: available supporting documents that prove the country of origin to be attached.

Certificate of origin for personal purposes
** Provide a list of personal properties, showing its specifications and the number of parcels, country of origin and name of the owner and the terminal country and the means of shipping and owner signature on the subjects list.
** Enclosing with the list, a no objection letter for shipping the subjects issued by the employer of the consignor if he is resident in the State.
** Enclosing a copy of owner’s ID and a copy of company/establishment ID.

For exporting personal vehicles, it is required to provide an export certificate issued by the Traffic Department.

Additional Information:
A fee of QR50 applies for each certificate. Each additional original copy costs QR50, while simple copies cost QR10.

Find templates of various certificates of origin. Please download the appropriate form for your application. Forms differ depending on the product and export destination.

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