Social Aid Services Oman : Ministry of Social Development

Name of the Organization : Ministry of Social Development
Type of Facility : Social Aid Services
Country : Oman

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Social Aid Services :

Social Aid Services is designed to provide temporary monetary aid during emergency situations such as natural disasters,and catastrophes.

Related : Ministry of Social Development Livelihood Resource Projects Services Oman :

Individuals may also take advantage of this temporary aid as per the regulations issued by ministerial decree (54/90). This service is designed to support families and individuals who are not eligible for social security. eligible for social security or any other laws. In-kind temporary aid will be such as tents, blankets etc… 2) Aid for special cases and would be issued to Omanis with special circumstances requiring aid. This aid would also be issued in the form of compensatory equipment such as hearing aids, glasses, wheel chairs etc…. Fees for intromission of water and electricity to homes of citizens eligible for social security. Monthly monetary aid is paid to special medical cases requiring additional expenses such as kidney failure, tuberculoses, etc…; fees required from individuals and families eligible for social security for payment of municipal fees will also be given in the form of aid. 3) Aid for individuals and families who encounter unforeseen circumstances that that pose a financial stress that can not be met on regular income. Natural disasters and fire are not considered under this category. 4) Aid in case of natural disasters and catastrophes such as floods, rain, storms, hurricanes and fires that cause damage to property and life individually and collectively. Immediate financial and in-kind aid is given, the latter if in the form of tents, blankets, groceries etc… Aid is also given to compensate for damage to homes, businesses as well as loss in lives.

Who can request this service :
Temporary monetary and material aid are issued to families and individuals in need who are not eligible for social security. In special emergency cases,this aid can be distributed to Omani individuals and families who encounter unforeseen circumstances such as a the case of a natural disaster.

Steps to follow to request the service :
A. Process Steps :
** Submit an application for the specific aid requested to the appropriate Ministry in your region.
** After a complete investigation, a determination is made as to the extent of aid that will be provided.
** The Undersecretary adjudicates the case and issues the order of a single payment or maximum three monthly payments.

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What documents are needed to process :
** Copy of applicant’s passport or ID.
** Certificate of family status.
** Certificate of income.
** An income certificate demonstrating a total monthly income of 80 Omani Rials for a family or 30 Omani Rials for an individual.
** Death Certificate : Present this document if plane tickets are needed.
** No Objection Letter : Present this document if plane tickets are needed and spouse is non-Omani.
** Medical Certificate : Present this document if special equipment This Medical Certificate must come from a government hospital.
** Income Certificate : Present this document if a limited income individual requires special equipment.
** Certificate of Eligibility of Social Security : Present this document if aid is required due to interruption of electricity and/or water.
** Document showing ownership of residence must also be attached.
** Ownership of Residence : Present this document if aid is required due to a natural disaster. A Social Study of the case to assess damages must also be attached.

Special conditions if any applicable :

** The individual or family cannot receive retirement from social security.
** Total monthly income : For a family income not to exceed 80 Omani Rials. For an individual income not to exceed 30 Omani Rials.

Aid to Special Cases must be in accordance with the following :
** Wife or Widow must be a Non-Omani.
** Travel of the wife or widow must be to her country of origin.
** No objection letter from the husband or sponsor must be presented.

Aid for interruption of Electricity and/or Water to homes eligible for social security are issued in accordance with the following :
** The residence in question is the permanent address of the individual or family.
** Aid is paid directly to the Ministry of Electricity and Water.
** Aid to orphans eligible for social security in case one or more children attend school. A condition to receive social aid is that the student(s) is not in receipt of any other financial aid from any educational establishment, and that the total amounts of social aid to be received by a family not exceed 10 Rials per month.
** Aid for Special Medical Cases when the individual is not in receipt of monetary aid from any other social care organisation.

Aid for Compensation due to a natural disasters must be in accordance with the following :
** The residence is owned by the requestor.
** Residence must not be deserted.
** The residence must not be insured by any insurance company.
** The residence must not be rented out. Exception : If rent is only income source for the owner.

How the service is processed :
Application is registered in the computer and a receipt of is issued. When a decision is reached the applicant is informed of the final decision.

How long will it take :
Application is registered in the computer and a receipt is issued. When a decision is reached the applicant is informed of the final decision by phone. In case of a natural disaster or catastrophe, affected individuals or families receives an immediate aid of 50 RO in addition to material aid.

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