Viewing the Official Gazette Jordan : Department of The National Library

Name of the Organization : Department of The National Library
Type of Facility : Viewing the Official Gazette
Country : Jordan

Official Website :

Viewing the Official Gazette :

Pledge :
I pledge to use the information to the purpose that it was accessed for. I shall refer to the information source and the related bibliographical information in accordance to the scientific and legal citation principles

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Documents needed to complete the procedure :
** A valid personal identification document.
** A written request from the requesting entity that includes information subject, the purpose and the delegate name.

Notes to complete the procedure :
** Application completion can be achieved by personally calling on the department building and signing the application.
** Fees are incurred for photocopies as follows :
** Incurring 25 fils for each A4 copy.
** Incurring 50 fils for each A3 copy.
** Incurring 2.00 dinars for each printed photograph.
** Incurring 1.00 dinars for each digital photograph.
** Incurring the cost of printed copies in addition to the CD cost for information stored on a CD.
** Copies up to 10 pages are provided free of charge. For larger quantities, the cost are incurred fully.
** It is prohibited to get more than one copy of the same original part.
** The copyright protection law is to be taken into account when acquiring photocopies or accessing information.
** In case the original document or photo might be impaired if copied, it is allowed to view the original work without taking any form of copies.
** The application is to be accepted or rejected within a thirty day time frame starting the day that follows the application day.
** Not getting an answer within the time frame is considered a rejection. ** In case you could not get access to the needed information, you have the right to file a complaint to the Information Council through the information delegate / the general manager of the department of the national library.

Application Forms :

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