Care For Elders Service Oman : Ministry of Social Development

Name of the Organization : Ministry of Social Development
Type of Facility : Care For Elders Service
Country : Oman

Official Website :

Care For Elders Service :

The program of care for the elderly in the Sultanate of Oman adopts an international directive that emphasizes care provided from the home and families thus reducing care provided by a sanctuary.

Related : Ministry of Social Development Register At Child Care Centre Oman :

The demographic division of seniors in the Sultanate is as follows :
** Senior citizens represent 4.8% of the population.
** Most seniors, especially males, are married resulting in a stable family environment.
** 79.5% senior citizens are illiterate.
** 17.8% senior citizens work in a commercial or economic capacity.
** There is a senior citizens home that is equipped to receive a limited number of elderly who have no immediate family and need care.
** Living quarters are provided to senior citizens who have no immediate family.

The ministry of Social Development under the framework of the Social Security Departments aims at providing the following assistance to senior citizens :
** Pay monthly retirement to those who reach the age of 60.
** Provide compensatory equipment to seniors.
** Implement projects to improve the income of the senior citizen’s family.
** Locate foster families for seniors who do not have immediate relatives or families to care for them.

Related Post

The Ministry has implemented a new project that provides care for senior citizens within the framework of their natural families by forming work groups for guidance.

Who can request this service
Omani senior citizens who are more than 60 years old

Steps to follow to request the service
A. Process Steps :
** The case of a senior citizen is transferred from a government hospital under the Ministry of Health from all areas of the Sultanate to be housed in a senior citizen centre.
** The case is accepted once the requirements are checked and approved by the Director of the centre..
** What documents are needed to process
** Copy of applicant’s passport or ID card.
** One passport sized photograph on blue background .

Special conditions if any applicable :
** Must be an Omani national.
** Must be more than 60 years old.

How the service is processed :
Process takes one week from the date of application. Applicant is notified by phone

How long will it take :
One week from the day of applicati

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