Livelihood Resource Projects Services Oman : Ministry of Social Development

Name of the Organization : Ministry of Social Development
Type of Facility : Livelihood Resource Projects Services
Country : Oman

Official Website :

Livelihood Resource Projects Services :

Any work, job or profession that can make use of an individual’s knowledge and invest them in improving projects laid down in Ministerial decree 101/2007.

Related : Ministry of Social Development Social Security Family Projects Services Oman :

Livelihood Resource Projects are as follows :
** Production projects that depend on craftsmanship and investment that include agriculture, livestock and fishing.
** Service Projects that depend on the knowledge and efforts of the beneficiary that include hairstyling, tailoring, typing, and documentation.
** Commercial projects that depend on income from buying and selling that include selling groceries, meat, fish, clothing, and accessories.

Who can request this service :
** Those who receive or are eligible for retirement from social security,
** Those under the umbrella of social security but are not eligible for retirement
** Those listed in Section (A) item (19)) of the social security laws

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Steps to follow to request the service :
A. Process Steps :
** The beneficiary submits an application for a loan.
** The application is registered while the social and economic feasibility of the project is studied.
** A report is prepared for the Director General within 30 days from the date of registration of the project.
** The Director General may grant a no interest loan in line with the type and size of the project. A maximum amount of three thousand Omani Rials (RO 3000) may be provided to one individual and five thousand Omani Rials (RO 5000) if there is more than one individual.
** The approved application is then forwarded to the Oman Development Bank to draft a contract for signature by the beneficiary. Payment procedures may be given in one payment or in installments as determined by the project.
** Beneficiary should attend a training program on how to implement and manage the project.
** If the application is rejected, the applicant will be informed within 15 days. The applicant can protest the decision to the Minister within 30 days.

What documents are needed to process :
** Signature of beneficiary in documents of the Oman development Bank to complete the execution dispersing the loan.
** Provide the concerned department with the signed contract with documents of receipt of the loan amount.
** Mortgage the project or present sponsorship as collateral to the loan.
** Copy of applicant’s passport or Id.
** Four photographs.
** Marriage certificate or marital status certificate. (i.e. not married, widowed).
** Medical certificates from all host family members confirming no family member has any contagious diseases.

Special conditions if any applicable :
Applicants for the livelihood resource project service must :
** Not have another livelihood project or must be drawing a low income.
** Must be qualified and capable of implementing and managing the project.
** The project must be of his/her entrepreneurial idea or was reached after receiving directions from the concerned authority.
** No expatriate employees may be employed by the project.

How the service is processed :
Beneficiary is informed by phone.

How long will it take :
Applications are processed within 30 days from the date of submission. Applicant is notified by phone.

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