Name of the Organization : Sadad Payment System
Type of Facility : Online & Phone Banking
Location : Riyadh
Country: Saudi Arabia
Official Website :
Online Banking :
Online banking allows customers of banks conduct financial transactions via secure website offered by the institution.
Related : Alinma Bank Register For Phone Banking Saudi Arabia :
To access the online banking facility, a customer obtains personal Internet access having first registered with the bank for the service (or a range of services). The user upon registration obtains a username or Identification number and a password. The user would then visit the bank’s website, and enter the online banking facility using their unique customer number and password. Some banks have set up additional security steps to gain website access, so there may be a variation in the way a user logs onto the website
There are several ways to pay bills with SADAD using online banking, depending on what bank you are using, below is the most common steps:
Paying a New Bill by Bill or Account Number, the user should undertake the following :
** login by clicking on the Online Banking Link on their banks website
** Enter user name
** Enter password
** Press “login” to enter
** Press on “SADAD” button
** All outstanding bills listed for the user should be displayed
** If the bill is not listed, or the user wants to pay a new bill for the first time, click “New Bill”
** After selecting “New Bill” you will have to enter the subscriber number in the text box and choose biller name from the drop down list If there is an outstanding bill then it will appear
** Select the bill and Click “Pay Bill” button in order to have the bill paid
** Press “I Agree” if the user has verified the details and wishes to proceed with the payment
** The system asks the user if they want to save the bill to their profile so next time they can see the bill without typing the account number, click “OK” if the user wishes to do so or “No” if the user does not.
Paying a Bill by viewing ‘profile’, the user should:
** login by clicking on the Online Banking Link on their banks website
** Enter user name
** Enter password
** Press “login” to enter
** Press on “SADAD” button
** All outstanding bills listed for the user should be displayed
** The user can either Pay all bills by clicking on “Pay All” button or click on specific bills to pay bills individually
** The user presses “I Agree” if they have verified the details to proceed with the payment.
Phone Banking :
Interactive voice response (IVR) allows customers to interact with the bank’s system via a telephone keypad or by speech recognition, after which they can service the customer inquiries by following the IVR dialogue. In banking field the IVR technology is called Phone Banking.
There are several ways to pay bills with SADAD using Phone banking, depending on what bank you are using, outlined below is an example of the most common steps a caller takes when using IVR:
** Dial your Bank’s Toll-Free Number, and when prompted enter your ATM-Card Number and your PIN. Then follow the simple voice instructions.
** Select SADAD from the list of options and choose the biller’s number options.
** The automated system will ask you to enter your Account Number from left to right.
** The machine will announce the Amount Due for Payment and give you the choice of paying it and having it deducted from your Bank account. When prompted to confirm payment, the caller should answer ‘ Yes’ If all details are correct , otherwise answer ‘No.
** The amount is debited from the users account immediately and the bill payment is reflected to the bill status
Contact us:
SADAD Payment System
Tawaren Center 6846 (Unit # 1)
Alulaya – King Fahad road
Riyadh 12331-4624
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Fax: +966 (11) 201 3163