Issue of Pharmacy Licence Oman : Ministry of Health

Name of the Organization : Ministry of Health
Type of Facility : Issue of Pharmacy Licence
Country : Oman

Official Website :

MOH Issue of Pharmacy Licence

Procedures are in place on issuing licences for pharmaceutical enterprises

Related : Ministry of Health Oman Licence to Practice Profession of Nursing & Midwifery :

Who can request this service:
Citizens wishing to open a pharmacy

Steps to follow to request the service
a- Process steps:
** Submit a written request to open a pharmacy.
** Arrange for an initial inspection.
** Gather the form and fees for opening a pharmacy.
** Advanced granting preliminary approval valid for six months.
** Organise for a final inspection.
** Receive final approval to open a pharmaceutical corporation.

b- Forms and procedures to be updated to request service :
Fatah institution pharmaceutical form.

What documents are needed to process:
A copy of an ID card / passport
A copy of the Commercial Registration

Special conditions if any applicable:
Omani nationality to be no less than 18 years of age.

How the service is processed:
Pending completion of requirements directly. We will notify the applicant by regular mail.

Related Post

How long will it take:
Approximately 6 months to gain final approval. Applicants are notified by mail.

Fee to be paid:
** Open a pharmacy in the Muscat or Salalah Municipality RO 300
** Open a pharmacy in other regions in Oman RO 150
** Open a warehouse for medicines RO 300
** Open a pharmaceutical plant RO 500

Places of Payment : Counter

FAQs :
1.What are the service that offered for the Citizens & Residents?
** Search for Contact Numbers of Healthcare Facilities.
** Donate Blood.
** Health Education Library.
** Healthcare Facilities Search.
** Medical Specialties Search.
** Medical Vacancies.
** Pharmacist Services.

2.What is the PKI service and what is Tam service?
Tam is an Electronic Certification service provided by the National Digital Certification Center (NDCC) at the Information Technology Authority (ITA).

This service allows all Omani citizens and residents to use the government electronic services and transactions in a higher level of security, authenticity, integrity and confidentiality to protect all E-Transactions made through ID cards and mobile SIM cards.

3.What are the benefits do I get form Tam?
By opting for Tam before applying for any government E-Services, you will enjoy the following benefits :
** Your personal data is secured and protected.
** Authentication of your digital identity online without the need for physical appearance.

** Ability to sign any document or application electronically.
** Authentication of your digital identity online without the need for physical appearance.
** Having eSignature valid and trusted with the same legality as regular signature

** Ability to validate and integrate the signed documents.
** 24/7 access to government services form everywhere.
** Saving money, time and effort.

4. What are the business E-services offered by the HEP for the companies?
** Drug Control Services
** Pharmacy Services
** Tenders
** Report to Pharmacovigilance Department

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