Jordan Issue a damaged driving license replacement : Hashemite Kingdom

Name of the Organization : Hashemite Kingdom
Type of Facility : Issue a damaged driving license replacement
Country : Jordan

Official Website :

Issue a damaged driving license replacement :

Provide the service by issuing a new driving license in case the old one was damaged for the applicants who hold Jordanian driving licenses.

Related : Hashemite Kingdom Jordan Apply license for business of vehicles transport on roads : www.statusin.org/5486.html

Required Documents :
** National ID card or valid passport.
** Employment certificate for military personnel.
** Recent colored photo size (4×6)
** Damaged license.

Procedures :
** Receive the replacement because of damage application and fill it and sign the pledge included in the application and submit it to the receptionist.
** The receptionist will review the form and the submitted documents.
** Stamp the traffic violations for greater Amman municipality and municipality.
** Check the application by the auditor and automatically determine fee.

Pay the fee :
** Issue the license and give it to the applicant after he hands over the damaged one.
** The exchange of two vehicles plate numbers

Required Documents :
** Submit an appeal.
** Proof that the vehicle is not under mortgage or Withholding.
** Verify that the vehicle doesn’t have traffic violations.
** Insurance contract for the vehicle with the new late number.

Issue a permit for heavy load transporter :

Required Documents

Related Post

** Copy of valid license of the towing vehicle head and trailer (lee-boy).
** For vehicles whose gross vehicle weight is 5 ton more than its rated weight, a permit should be issued from public works and housing minister.
** Determine trip route.

Procedures :
** Fill dedicated service form.
** The employee will check submitted documents and the information contained in the form.
** Explain clearly the conditions contained in the permit to the service applicant.
** Grant the permit signed and authorized with the official stamp by the same employee.
** File a copy of the permit.

FAQs :
What are the required documents to license the offices of luxury cars (limousines)?
** A photocopy of the ID Card.
** A certificate that shows that the applicant is a government employee.

How can I get an application for Refund of a General Guarantee?
Required Documents :
** Petition.
** Invoice.
** Export statement.
** Procedure statement.

Procedures :
Upon completion of required documents and confirmation of terms of application according to regulations and instructions in force, a letter is addressed to the Department of Guarantees/Directorate of Financial Affairs, duly signed as per instructions of refund to the applicant.

Location of Service Provision :
Customs Department/ Directorate of Suspended Fees/ Department of Temporary Entry.<p>
Fees :
(0.003) of the guarantee value, if due.

What are the required documents for the license of merging offices?(Office integration: is the office which merged group of taxi offices?
** Written request from the merging Office.
** Business records of the merging offices.
** Permit to practice the profession.

** The numbers of the vehicles operating in the related offices.
** Photocopy for transport permits and licenses acquisition of vehicles.
** Identity card for the owner’s taxi offices intended to merge.

What are the required rules to change of transportation lines?
** The replaced transportation should be in the same class of origional vehicles.
** The replaced transportation should be owned by the same owner.
** The replaced transportation should not be subject to the law of delisting.
** the license should be valid.

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