Renewing registration for taxis agencies vehicles : Jordan

Name of the Organization : Hashemite Kingdom
Type of Facility : Renewing registration for taxis agencies vehicles
Country : Jordan

Official Website :http://www.jordan.gov.jo/wps/portal/!ut/p/b1/04_SjzQ2MrQ0NDc3MdGP0I_KSyzLTE8syczPS8wB8aPM4sMsvS3CvN0NDSw83C0MPL0MjMx8zZ2MDYIM9YNT8_RzoxwVAWHEheM!/

Renewing registration for vehicles

This service is for renewing the vehicles registration and ensuring the vehicles capability to operate on the road. Also ensuring their insurance in accordance with the laws, rules and regulations in force.

Related : The Hashemite Kingdom Jordan Applying for Renewing a Residency Permit : www.statusin.org/5355.html

Required Documents
** Parking receipts issued by the Greater Amman Municipality or Municipalities in other provinces
** Inspection and calibration report for the fares meter to examine their functioning capability and validity.
** Insurance contract for the vehicle covering the annual insurance duration.
** Original or certified copy of a Direction permit from the Transport Regulatory Commission or the Directorate of Transport in the Greater Amman Municipality, if the vehicle is operating within the limits of the Greater Amman Municipality.

** Driver’s Information Panel
** Vehicle License.
** Financial clearance for the taxi cars registered for individuals (free plate) from the General Union of the Public Cars.
** A certified copy of the valid financial Letter of Guarantee (LG) submitted to the public Transport Regulatory Commission.

Procedures :
** Presenting the vehicle to the Technical Inspection Committee.
** Visiting the Municipality’s traffic violations representative to stamp the technical inspection form or the licenses renewal form, if the vehicle was exempted from the technical check and inspection.
** The reception officer will do the following :
** Review the form to ensure the compliance with all the registration requirements listed in the required documents.
** Submit all the vehicle information to the automated computed system and determine therenewal fees.

Payment the determined fees.
Issuance and delivery of vehicle license to its owner.

Estimated Time : Twenty (20) minutes.

Related Post

Estimated Fee :
** If the date of registration is before 16/6/2005 and the number of passengers including the driver is 5 then the fee is 230.90 JOD in addition to the yearly income tax fees. – For the Vehicles registered after the date of 16/6/2006, the fees are according to the customs value.

FAQs :
What are the required documents to license the offices of luxury cars (limousines)?
** A photocopy of the ID Card.
** A certificate that shows that the applicant is a government employee.

How can I get an application for Refund of a General Guarantee?
Required Documents :
** Petition.
** Invoice.
** Export statement.
** Procedure statement.

Procedures :
Upon completion of required documents and confirmation of terms of application according to regulations and instructions in force, a letter is addressed to the Department of Guarantees/Directorate of Financial Affairs, duly signed as per instructions of refund to the applicant.

Location of Service Provision :
Customs Department/ Directorate of Suspended Fees/ Department of Temporary Entry.<p>
Fees :
(0.003) of the guarantee value, if due.

What are the required documents for the license of merging offices?(Office integration: is the office which merged group of taxi offices?
** Written request from the merging Office.
** Business records of the merging offices.
** Permit to practice the profession.

** The numbers of the vehicles operating in the related offices.
** Photocopy for transport permits and licenses acquisition of vehicles.
** Identity card for the owner’s taxi offices intended to merge.

What are the required rules to change of transportation lines?
** The replaced transportation should be in the same class of origional vehicles.
** The replaced transportation should be owned by the same owner.
** The replaced transportation should not be subject to the law of delisting.
** the license should be valid.

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