motc.gov.om Register Ships & Boats For Use In Oman : Ministry of Transport & Communications

Name of the Organization : Ministry of Transport & Communications
Type of Facility : Register Ships & Boats For Use In Oman
Country : Oman

Official Website : http://www.motc.gov.om/tabid/40/default.aspx

Register Ships & Boats For Use In Oman :

All ships and boats owned by Omani nationals and expatriates and those owned by companies operating in Oman should be registered.

Related : MOTC Request Approval To Install New Navigation Aids Oman : www.statusin.org/5452.html

Who can request this service:
The Nationals, Expatriates, and Companies.

Steps to follow to request the service:
A- Process Steps:
The owner should submit an application to the Ships Registration Section at Sultan Qaboos Port.

B- List all forms/applications that need to be completed to apply for the service:
** Application letter for registering the ship/ boat.
** Purchase bill.
** A cancellation certificate of the registered craft at the country where it was bought from and registered in.
** A Certificate of Origin, if any.
** Customs Statement.
** Authenticating the purchase bill from the Omani Embassy of Consulate at the country of sale.
** New photos of the craft after fixing the proposed name and photos of the Safety equipment.
** A copy of the Owner’s passport/ ID.
** A copy of the Captain’s passport/ ID and a certificate of experience, and the number.

What documents are needed to process:
An insurance policy, certificates from the Omani authenticated supervisory board and the communications license.

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How long will it take:
2 – 5 days

Fee to be paid:
Variable 3- 13 RO

About Us :
Roads are considered to be one of major element of infrastructure which also can be addressed as a development parameter for countries in regard to economic, industrial and service aspects .

It is due to the benefits which can be offered regarding the facilitation of individuals , goods and raw materials transport , also its role in achieving a connected regions, governorates, cities and towns .Particularly to be mentioned, is its role in achieving economic growth as well its contribution in achieving a flourished trade and economic activates .

Roads and land transport sector’s goals :
** Prepare studies and blueprints for roads and infrastructure works of land transport projects.
** Completing the linking of governorates and wellayats to each other as well linking the Sultanate with the neighboring countries with side and main roads.

** Work on following up land transport development .
** Propose law draft projects related to roads and land transport.
** Support the participation of private sector in providing transport services

** Work on developing the cooperation between the sultanate and other countries, organizations and specialized international institutes .also represent the sultanate in regional and international conferences as well meetings which are related to the ministry’s tasks

Contact Us :
Ministry of Transport & Communications
Muscat P.O. Box 684 / Zip Code : 100

Categories: Oman
Tags: motc.gov.om
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