Jordan : Requests for changing a vocation & removing name of a partner

Name of the Organization : Hashemite Kingdom
Type of Facility : Requests for changing a vocation & removing name of a partner
Country : Jordan

Official Website :!ut/p/b1/jdHLCsIwEAXQb_EDZCZJNdNlbbVPFattTTZSQUqhj40I_r1R3CjYml3gzHAvAxqU4MxmUloWHEF35a2uymvdd2Xz_Ov5KbdjymOfIa1sxDBKltuMWMaJG6A-QOCTAcjna7kQSPjfvOs7gSUTREr8GYZOkKX2Tgh0xNh8AWrhvbfgj-eMpthfOrNJf7HPLtZsBDzLvsBQmxcYCKoMkD-jbjkcQLkeRKCrpj-bCxWeB5ugby_Q6maV3KfRMiVGopo8APLBAd0!/dl4/d5/L2dBISEvZ0FBIS9nQSEh/?nameEntity=Municipality%20of%20Greater%20Amman

Requests for changing or adding a name of a partner :

Required Documents :
** Proof of identification.

Related : Hashemite Kingdom Jordan Issuance of Duplicate Vocational License :

Procedures :
** Application is filed at CRO then referred to the Investment Division.
** Application is reviewed and referred to Director of P&I Dept.
** Application is verified then referred to the top administration (Assistant CS for Financial Affairs / CS / Mayor) for approval.
** Once approval of the Mayor is granted, application is referred the legal researcher.
** A new lease contract is concluded with the applicant. Contract is referred to the accountant.
** Fees due under the contract are collected, and paperwork is referred to the responsible division.
** Official letter indicating amendments to contract is issued and paperwork is sent to Director of P&I Dept.
** Paperwork is verified, signed and referred to the Mayor’s office.
** Once the Mayor signs paperwork, it is then referred to P&I Dept.
** Applicant receives copies of the contract and the letter indicating amendments to the contract.

Obtaining a Profession License :
Fill out the Profession License Form and enclose it with :
** Registered Capital Certificate
** Valid Building Occupancy Permit.
** Membership Certificate from the Chamber Of Industry

Project Data Statement :
** Checking by concerned departments to make sure no liabilities exist
** Calculation of fees by the investors’ section at the Industrial Estate
** Issuing the license after payment the due fees

Estimated Time :
One week.

Estimated Fee :
10% to 15% of the annual rent due on leased premises for applications for changing or adding a vocation.

Related Post

Location :
Citizens’ Referral Office (CRO) at the Municipality’s headquarters.

Changing the Name of Vocational License Holder :
Required Documents
** Proof of identification of the person surrendering his/her rights to the Vocational license subject of the application.

Procedures :
** Filing of application at Citizens’ Referral Office (CRO).
**Legally surrendering rights to the license.
**Signing of application by chiefs of Vocations and Engineering branches.
**Approval by Regional Director.** Changes to the license are entered in the computer files of Vocations Dept..
**Collection of due fees.
** Issuance of license signed by authorized officials.
** Applicant receives the license.

FAQs :
Can I have a death certificate in english language?
Yes , the death certificate can be issued in english language for the jordanian citizen

How to transfer a military passport to a civil one ?
In any civil status office and bring with you a resignation document and the end services certificate

What are the fee’s to issue a death certificate for a Jordanian who died before 2 years and outside Jordan?
The fee is 1 jd a delay fee 10 jd

What are the needed document to change resident address?
The needed document are :
‌A. A document from the police station telling that the family have lived at least one year in the new address.
B. The father writes that the family are living in the new address ‌
C. An educational certificate from the kids school ( if there is kids)

‌D.If there is no kids
1. a certificate from the governor
2. a rent contract
3. or official tax pills

What is the extending period of the passport ?
The extending period is 5 years from the expiration date © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map