Disbursement compensations for acquisition of lands & establishments : Jordan

Name of the Organization : Hashemite Kingdom
Type of Facility : Disbursement compensations for acquisition of lands and establishments
Country : Jordan

Official Website : http://www.jordan.gov.jo/wps/portal/!ut/p/b1/jdFNCsIwEAXgs3gAmUlSzXRZJSatVfGn1WQjFaQItd2I4O1NixsFrdkFvhneY8CBFZyFTMoggAO4urhfyuJ2aeqiav9ufMzDOeVzzZBmIWKcpGqVEcs4cQ_sGzCaPEA-XsiJQML_5qc6MoFMESnVI4wjk23CtRAYib75PVitXlvwy4t6U2zPtd_kPth7l2DUA9qyHfjVpgM_gloP5NeoKw47sEZBAq6smpO_0D5WsDTN9QxXV83SxzBRG2IkysETPe7vYA!!/dl4/d5/L2dBISEvZ0FBIS9nQSEh/?nameEntity=Municipality%20of%20Greater%20Amman

Disbursement of compensations for acquisition of lands :

Required Documents :
** Certificate of Land Expropriation for Roadway issued by the Lands Dept.
** Up-to-date plat.

Related : Hashemite Kingdom Jordan Requests for leasing of lands that belong to the Municipality : www.statusin.org/5457.html

** Up-to-date zoning site plan.

Procedures :
** Application is filed at CRO and referred to the Acquisitions Dept.
** Application is referred to the Upgrading Division to indicate the area of land that is over the ‘legal one fourth’.
** Application is referred to Survey Division in the Zoning Dept. for as site inspection.
** Application is referred to the Acquisitions Committee for evaluation of the amount of compensation.
** Committee renders a decision regarding the value of compensation, which is then conveyed to applicant.
** Applicant gives his consent to the amount by signing.
** Paperwork is verified then referred to disbursement officer.
** Disbursement letter indicating the amount of compensation is sent to Financial Affairs Dept.
** Letter is received by the clerk of FA Dept.
** Check in the compensation amount is issued and referred to the Mayor for his signature.

Rezoning of land designated as ‘Green Areas :
Required Documents :
** Owner’s written request, or someone who can legally act on his/her behalf.
** Up-to-date zoning site plan.
** Title of Registration.
** Up-to-date plat.

Procedures :
** Application is filed at CRO of the particular region, then referred to the Zoning branch.
** Application is reviewed by the Zoning and Engineering branches of the Regional Office then referred to the Zoning Dept. at the Municipalities headquarters.
** Application is reviewed by Zoning, and Land Survey engineers.
** Recommendations are made to the Acquisitions Dept. for appraisal of the monetary value of the land, based on the Municipality Council’s decision No. 25 of 8/2/1994, whereby 25% of the land area is acquired or the equivalent monetary value is collected.
** Recommendations are made to the top administration for required approvals.
** Applicant is informed of the decision, and if approval is granted, rezoning procedures are carried out in accordance with legal regulations provided for by the set of laws and codes.

Related Post

Estimated Time :

Location :
Citizens’ Referral Office (CRO) in the particular region.

FAQs :
What are the differences between schema Altibograve and Land Planning Form?
Planned Altibograve : it is Land Planning Form but in French or in English.

What are the documents required for insurance (mortgage)?
1. Insurance Form.
2. Insurance Bond.
3. Registration Form and Land Planning Form and an organizational chart.
4. Clearance from the financial department and municipality for the owned lands

What are the fees in the case of buying an apartment from a housing company and the flat area 170 meters?
151 m or more : 5% fee on the entire space

What are the fees in the event of buying a property?
From a stranger :
Fees are divided into 9% :
* 4% property tax.<p>
* 5% registration fee.
Of assets and branches :
1% regardless of space

What are the procedures for Determination of Heirs?
1.Transfer Request number (qp-09-714-1).
2. Registration Form and Land Planning Form and an organizational chart.
3. determination of Inheritance (deed).
4. Clearance from the financial department and municipality for the owned lands.
5. Clearance from the income tax for the dead person.
6. Photocopy of ID cards for heirs or a letter from the Department of Civil Status Department.

What are the procedures for getting Registration Certificate?
Required Documents :
** Identification Card.
Required Procedures :
** You can get the Registration Certificate from any Registration Department.

Categories: Jordan
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