License renewal for specialized branches of transport & freight brokers : Jordan

Name of the Organization : Hashemite Kingdom
Type of Facility : License renewal for specialized branches of transport
Country : Jordan

Official Website : http://www.jordan.gov.jo/wps/portal/!ut/p/b1/04_SjzQ2MrQ0NDc3MdGP0I_KSyzLTE8syczPS8wB8aPM4sMsvS3CvN0NDSw83C0MPL0MjMx8zZ2MDYIM9YNT8_RzoxwVAWHEheM!/

License renewal transport and freight brokers :

Required Documents :
** Written request on headed paper from the company
** Deed of the bank guarantee extension or new bank guarantee of the specific value for the benefit of the ministry for one year from the date of renewal.

Related : Jordan License to Provide for business of transporting container vehicles : www.statusin.org/5494.html

** Valid profession license identical to offices lease contract.
** Recent commercial record or a certified copy of it.
** Recent list from department of Drivers and Vehicles Licensing of the numbers of trucks owned by the company and shows ownership and its usage class and the expiry date of the license according to the approved form (in case of renewal of license of the business of specialized transportation).
** Lease contract or ownership deed for truck bed yards (in case of renewal of license the business of specialized transportation).

Procedures :
** The request to get the service applied to the specialized authority in the Directorate of companies licensing in the ministry building accompanied by all the documents and avail a receipt form.
** The specialized authority in the Directorate audits the documents and recommend of license renewal
** The minister or his authorized representative, upon the recommendation of the specialized authority to renews the license for a period of calendar year
** The applicant visits Directorate of companies licensing in the specified period to pay fees and receive the license after presenting a receipt form.

Notes :
** Registered capital is at least (50,000) fifty thousand Jordanian Dinars (JOD).
** Financial guarantee letter for a period of one year of the value of (15,000) fifteen thousand Jordanian dinars for the benefit of the ministry which is unconditional and payable on demand in accordance with the approved form.
** The company’s office space is not less than (50) square meters equipped with a telephone, fax and commercial sign.
** Existence of a director holding Jordanian nationality and holds a public secondary school certificate.
** The number of administrative staff is not less than three employees, including the director, except Drivers and office boys.

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FAQs :
What are the required documents to license the offices of luxury cars (limousines)?
** A photocopy of the ID Card.
** A certificate that shows that the applicant is a government employee.

How can I get an application for Refund of a General Guarantee?
Required Documents :
** Petition.
** Invoice.
** Export statement.
** Procedure statement.

Procedures :
Upon completion of required documents and confirmation of terms of application according to regulations and instructions in force, a letter is addressed to the Department of Guarantees/Directorate of Financial Affairs, duly signed as per instructions of refund to the applicant.

Location of Service Provision :
Customs Department/ Directorate of Suspended Fees/ Department of Temporary Entry.<p>
Fees :
(0.003) of the guarantee value, if due.

What are the required documents for the license of merging offices?(Office integration: is the office which merged group of taxi offices?
** Written request from the merging Office.
** Business records of the merging offices.
** Permit to practice the profession.

** The numbers of the vehicles operating in the related offices.
** Photocopy for transport permits and licenses acquisition of vehicles.
** Identity card for the owner’s taxi offices intended to merge.

What are the required rules to change of transportation lines?
** The replaced transportation should be in the same class of origional vehicles.
** The replaced transportation should be owned by the same owner.
** The replaced transportation should not be subject to the law of delisting.
** the license should be valid.

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