MOECA Issue Annual Permits For Diving For Individuals Oman : Ministry of Environment & Climatic Affairs

Name of the Organization : Ministry of Environment & Climatic Affairs
Type of Facility : Issue Annual Permits For Diving For Individuals
Country : Oman

Official Website : http://moeca.gov.om/

Issue Annual Permits For Diving For Individuals

This service is provided for providing annual permits (cards) for nationals and residents practicing diving outside natural conservations.

Related : MOECA Issue Permits For Daily Diving Oman : www.statusin.org/5468.html

Who can request this service:
Omani nationals and residents

Steps to follow to request the service:
Process steps:
** Filling in an application form and submitting it to the concerned entity in the MECA.
** Paying the fees.
** Issuing if permit

What documents are needed to process:
** ID card or Passport
** A diving certificate from an accredited club.
** A photo

Special conditions if any applicable:
The applicant must have had a diving certificate from an accredited club.

How the service is processed:
Permit to be delivered immediately after paying the fees.

How long will it take:
On the day of application.

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Fee to be paid:
Fees RO 25

Places of Payment :
Fees to be paid in the Treasury, MECA- or Administrative Affairs in the regions.

FAQs :
How the concept of clean development mechanism (CDM) works?
Annex I countries that have ratified the Kyoto Protocol can invest in projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to sustainable development in countries outside the annex.

And which result in the issuance of a certificate cut, which enables the use of Annex I countries to meet their commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions under the Kyoto Protocol.

Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol sets out three goals for the clean development mechanism :
1) to help mitigate climate change;
2) to assist Annex I countries to achieve their emission reductions 0.
3) to assist developing countries in achieving sustainable development.

Which type of greenhouse gases are the objectives to reduce emissions?
In addition to contributing to the sustainable development, must CDM projects lead to real, measurable reductions in greenhouse gas emissions of greenhouse gases in developing countries.

Greenhouse gases divided, according to the source to the six gases are : carbon dioxide – CO2 (source: fossil fuel combustion and deforestation, agriculture); methane – CH4 (Source: agriculture, land use change; biomass burning, landfills); nitrous oxide (N2O (source: fossil fuel combustion; industrial, and agriculture);

Unsaturated carbon compounds (PFCs) (Source: Industry / manufacturing); sulfur hexafluoride – SF6, (source: electricity transmission, and manufacturing).

What is the value added in the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects?
Additional value of reducing greenhouse gas emissions achieved by the project, which will be added to any cuts might be achieved in the absence of implementation of the project.

Does this work is prohibited (e.g. acquisition unauthorized fishing tools, presence in locations where wildlife abound)?
Yes. It must be objectionable.
Do you have the right to punish us?
Yes. Reference to environmental laws and judicial police.

Categories: Oman
Tags: moeca.gov.om
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