Zoning Site Plans & Subdivision of apartments : Jordan

Name of the Organization : Hashemite Kingdom
Type of Facility : Zoning Site Plans & Subdivision of apartments
Country : Jordan

Official Website : http://www.jordan.gov.jo/wps/portal/!ut/p/b1/jdHLCsIwEAXQb_EDZCZJNdNl1fRlVXxUTTZSoZRCHxsR_HujuKlQa3aBM8O9DBjQgjOXSek4cAbTZPeyyG5l22TV62-ml6O7pOMyYEi-ixjFidqkxFJO3ALdAWFAFiCfruRMIOF_8_PACx2ZIFISTDDywnTnboVATwzNn0Av1GcL9jxvMMU-b-wm88W6XZzJAHiVfYNfbd7gR1BtgeyNuuFwAK0UxGCKqr3aC518BeuwrXOoTeUnj3GsdsRIFKMnDivMpg!!/dl4/d5/L2dBISEvZ0FBIS9nQSEh/?nameEntity=Municipality%20of%20Greater%20Amman

Zoning Site Plans :

Required Documents :
** Up-to-date plat.
** Up-to-date Title of Registration.

Related : Hashemite Kingdom Jordan Subdivision of land lying outside municipal zoning : www.statusin.org/5462.html

Procedures :
** Filing of application at Citizens’ Referral Office (CRO).
** Approval of Chief of Engineering Branch.
** Collection of due fees.
** Site plan is graphed.
** Issuance of site plan to applicant.

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Requests for leasing of lands that belong to the Municipality :
Required Documents :
** Trade Registration if would-be tenant is a company.
** Proof of identification.

Procedures :
** Application is filed at CRO then referred to Investment Division in P&I Dept.
** Application is reviewed and referred to the Director of P&I Dept.
** Application is verified then referred to the top administration (Assistant CS for Financial Affairs / CS / Mayor) for approval.
** Mayor signs his approval for having the application reviewed by the Properties Committee of a decision.
** Once a decision is reached, application is referred to the legal researcher in P&I Dept.
** Lease contract is concluded with the applicant and contract is referred to the accountant.
** Sums of money due under the contract are collected. Contract is referred to head of Properties and Investment division.
** Contract is verified and referred to the Mayor’s office.
** Contract is signed and referred to P&I Dept.
** Applicant receives copy of the contract.

Subdivision of apartments :
Required Documents :
** Up-to-date zoning site plan.
** Title of Registration.
** Up-to-date plat.
** Up-to-date Occupancy Permit.

Procedures :
** Application is filed at CRO then referred to the Subdivision branch.
** Application is signed by the head of the Subdivision branch then referred to the Director of the Zoning Dept.
** After review, application is referred to the particular regional office.
** Site inspection is conducted by the Zoning branch and the application is then referred to the local committee.
** Local committee renders its decision.
** Application is filed at CRO then referred to Investment Division in P&I Dept.
** Application is reviewed and referred to the Director of P&I Dept.
** Application is verified then referred to the top administration (Assistant CS for Financial Affairs / CS / Mayor) for approval.6. Once approval by the local committee is granted, a letter is addressed to the Director of Land Registration at Lands and Survey Dept. for completing the process.
** Mayor signs his approval for having the application reviewed by the Properties Committee of a decision.
** Once a decision is reached, application is referred to the legal researcher in P&I Dept.
** Lease contract is concluded with the applicant and contract is referred to the accountant.
** Sums of money due under the contract are collected. Contract is referred to head of Properties and Investment division.

Categories: Jordan
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