MOECA Issuing Licenses For Practicing Diving, Companies & Clubs Oman : Ministry of Environment & Climatic Affairs

Name of the Organization : Ministry of Environment & Climatic Affairs
Type of Facility : Issuing Licenses For Practicing Diving, For Diving Companies & Clubs
Country : Oman

Official Website : http://moeca.gov.om/

Issuing Licenses For Practicing Diving :

This service is provided for issuing licenses for companies and clubs interested in practicing diving outside the nature reserves, whether for training individuals, tourism uses, or for practicing diving. The license shall be renewed annually.

Related : MOECA Issuance of Environmental Licenses for Projects Listed in Ministerial Resolution Oman : www.statusin.org/5466.html

Who can request this service:
Diving companies and clubs

Steps to follow to request the service:
a. Process steps:
An application should be submitted to the Ministry’s specialists.
Supportive documents shall be attached.
Fees are to be paid.
License will be issued.

b. List all forms/applications that need to be completed to apply for the service:
Application form.
Approvals of the concerned entities (Environment Permit, Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Transport and Communications, Ministry of Heritage and Culture, Civil Defence Dept., Commercial Register, property ownership or a lease contract.
Names if trainers and their diving certificates.

How the service is processed:
License is issued immediately after paying the fees.

How long will it take:
On the same day of submitting the request

Fee to be paid:
Issuing licenses for practicing Diving, and for Diving Companies and Clubs RO 200. RO 050 additional fees if renewal is delayed one month after expiry of license.

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Place of Payment:
Treasury Office of the Ministry, or Administrative Affairs Department at the regions.

FAQs :
What is the Climate Change Agreement?
Is the United Nations Framework Agreement on agreed climate in the United Nations Conference on the change Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro, 1992.

This agreement aims to achieve stability in the emissions of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, at a level that would prevent dangerous climate changes.

So that all countries have an obligation to address the problem of climate change, countries were divided into two groups with different levels of commitments: Parties included and not included in Annex I to the Agreement.

There are also Parties included in Annex II, which were members of the Co-operation and Development (OECD) in 1992, which there are currently 24, and are committed to provide “new and additional financial resources” for developing countries to help them tackle climate change.

What is the Kyoto Protocol?
A Protocol to the United Nations Framework Agreement adopted at COP 3 in Kyoto, Japan in 1997. The Protocol sets binding of 39 from developed countries and economies in transition, Annex B commitments, to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions at a rate of 5.2 per cent from 1990 levels (the first commitment period 2008 – 2012).

What is the difference between the parties listed in Annex I and Annex B?
The United Nations Agreement divided countries on Climate change in two main groups: countries of Annex I, which includes industrialized countries and countries with “economies in transition” / with economies in transition (the Russian Federation, the Baltic States and Central and several other Eastern European countries).

And countries outside the annex. , The protocol required Annex I countries legally to limit or reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. The Protocol Annex I countries can invest in CDM projects in countries outside the annex.

What are the mechanisms of the Kyoto?
Because mitigate the costs will be high for Parties included in Annex I, the Kyoto Protocol came with flexible mechanisms that can be used to achieve the objectives of the Agreement in effective way in terms of cost. This is the (Emissions trading, joint implementation and the clean development mechanism).

Categories: Oman
Tags: moeca.gov.om
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