State of Israel Ministry of Health : Receive a chiropractics & Clinical Criminology Certificate

Name of the Organization : State Of Israel Ministry of Health
Type of Facility : Receive a chiropractics & Clinical Criminology Certificate
Country : Israel

Official Website :

Receiving a Chiropractics certificate :

After the application documents are received, eligibility to take the examination is checked by The Medical Professions Licensing Department.

Related : State of Israel Ministry of Health Process for obtaining a certificate of Speech Therapy & Audiology :

Those eligible for a new certificate will be sent a one by registered mail to their home address.

Reception Area :
The request must be sent by registered mail to the Medical Professions Licensing Department, Ministry of Health, 39 Yirmiyahu St., P.O.Box 1176, Jerusalem 9101002.

Required Documents :
Those requesting to replace an old Status Recognition Certificate with a new one are required to produce the following documents
** Questionnaire for workers in the health care professions.
** 2 passport photographs.
** Photocopy of your identification card, including the attachment showing your address.
** The original Status Recognition Certificate, issued by the Ministry of Health.

Receive a clinical criminology certificate :Licensing Department. Those eligible for a new certificate will be sent a one by registered mail to their home address.After the application documents are received, eligibility to take the examination is checked by The Medical Professions Licensing Department. Those eligible for a new certificate will be sent a one by registered mail to their home address.After the application documents are received, eligibility to take the examination is checked by The Medical Professions Licensing Department. Those eligible for a new certificate will be sent a one by registered mail to their home address.

Location of the service :
The request must be sent by registered mail to the Medical Professions Licensing Department, Ministry of Health, 39 Yirmiyahu St., P.O.Box 1176, Jerusalem 9101002.

Required documents :
Those requesting to replace an old Status Recognition Certificate with a new one are required to produce the following documents
** Questionnaire for workers in the health care professions
** 2 passport photographs
** Photocopy of your identification card, including the attachment showing your address
**The original Status Recognition Certificate for clinical criminology, issued by the Ministry of Health.
** All of the request documents must be submitted in duplicate.

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FAQs :
Why is it important for an elderly person to be in a licensing institution?
The elderly may be referred to institutionalize a wide variety of functions, And to various types of institutions as follows
** The elderly, whose functioning is rated as self-employed or exhausted, are referred to the dormitories

** And the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.
** The elderly whose functioning is classified as nursing or mentally frail are referred
** To institutions designated for them, under the supervision and supervision of the Ministry of Health.

** Elderly people with active medical problems whose functioning is rated as a complex nursing care,
** Are referred to designated institutions for these patients, who are also licensed
** Supervised by the Ministry of Health.

** A licensing institution is an institution that meets licensing requirements, both in terms of functioning
** The elderly who broadcast it, and in terms of the Ministry’s requirements regarding procedures, Manpower and the physical conditions of the place.

** The existence of supervision directly affects the quality of care for the elderly, for example:
** Ensuring proper supervision and professional care in the medical field, Nursing and paramedical care.

** Ensuring that medications are administered according to procedures that prevent mistakes and possible damage.
** Ensuring quality of life and recreational activity in accordance with the functioning of the elderly.

** For example, physical therapy and employment
** Ensuring the structure of the institution according to the licensing conditions.

** Building the rooms for the welfare of the elderly, which is their home.
** Ensuring safety conditions with the licensing of firefighters, etc.
** Ensuring sanitary conditions Hygiene and nutrition suitable for the elderly.

What is the phenomenon of non-licensing institutions?
The exact extent of the problem is unknown and is estimated to be between 500 and 2000 elderly, This estimate is based on estimates of services for the elderly in the office of the attorney, Information from health offices and complaints about institutions Those who come to the geriatric ward.

These estimates are updated once per number Months. The total number of national day centers is 67 Operating without a permit. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map