State of Israel Ministry of Health : Process for Obtaining Status Recognition Medical laboratory worker Certificate

Name of the Organization :State of Israel Ministry of Health
Type of Facility : Process for Obtaining Status Recognition Medical laboratory worker Certificate
Country : Israel

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Process for Obtaining a Status Recognition Certificate

** Those wishing to apply for recognition as medical laboratory workers must apply to the department of licensing medical professions according to the following procedures.

Related : State of Israel Ministry of Health Provision of a Certificate of Eligibility to Register with a HMO :

** The procedure for obtaining a certificate of recognition of status as a medical laboratory worker includes the following stages (detailed information appears below) :

Procedure :
** Submission of an application for a certificate by the candidate and Assessment of the candidate’s eligibility
** Internshipand Examination
** temporary and Permanent certificate of recognition of status as a medical laboratory worker

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Submitting an application for a license :
The request must be sent, along with the required documents, by registered mail to the Medical Professions Licensing Department, Ministry of Health, as detail at “Service Details” below.
After the application documents are received, eligibility to take the examination is checked. Each case will be evaluated on its merits by The Medical Professions Licensing Department. An invitation for the examination will be mailed to the address registered at the Minis

Reception Area :
The request must be sent by registered mail to the Medical Professions Licensing Department, Ministry of Health, 39 Yirmiyahu St., P.O.Box 1176, Jerusalem 9101002.

Required Documents :
** Questionnaire for workers in the health care professions (2 copies).
** Application form to undergo a government licensing examination for medical laboratory work – 2 copies.
** 2 passport photographs.
** 2 photocopies of your identification card, including the attachment showing your address. Tourists : Photocopy of your passport with a valid Israeli visa.
** Official certification of the date that you commenced and completed your studies.
** Laboratory workers who have not completed university studies but who have completed their laboratory studies, a minimum of two years in a post-high-school institution (after having completed their high school education and obtaining their matriculation), shall produce the following documents, in addition to those listed above :
** Matriculation certificate
** Confirmation of completion of studies from the institution at which they studied laboratory work.

Examination :
** Those required to undergo an examination will receive notification from The Medical Professions Licensing Department.
** It is possible to take the government examination in laboratory work before starting the internship, during or after it.
** The test is a theoretical test and is comprised of a general laboratory portion and a portion related to the specific field.
** People directed to licensing examinations will be sent invitations, in accordance with the examination dates, which take place twice per year (winter examination and summer examination) and are publicized on this website
** The candidate may choose to be examined in the Hebrew or Arabic.
** A letter specifying the result of the examination (pass or fail)

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