Provision of a Certificate of Eligibility to Register with a HMO : Israel Ministry of Health

Name of the Organization :State of Israel Ministry of Health
Type of Facility : Provision of a Certificate of Eligibility to Register with a HMO
Country : Israel

Official Website :

Provision of a Certificate of Eligibility to Register with a HMO :

This service is intended for the children of residents lacking legal standing who were born in Israel – mostly children of foreign workers.

Related : Israel Ministry of Health Physiotherapy Occupation License Application :

These children are entitled to health care services through Kupat Cholim “Meuhedet”. In order to register at the HMO (kupat cholim), a certificate of eligibility from the Health Bureau needs to be produced.
They receive the certificate of eligibility at the Health Bureau, and bring this to Kupat Cholim “Meuhedet” in order to complete the process.

Documents needed in order to receive a certificate of eligibility at the Health Bureau :
** Both parents’ visas or passport;
** Birth certificate from the hospital;
** Letter of Discharge of Newborn from Hospital.

Verification of an Israeli Physician’s Signature for Documents Overseas :
When medical certifications are submitted for various purposes, primarily overseas, a certification is required verifying that the physician who signed the applicant’s medical documents indeed holds a valid license to practice medicine in Israel.

Examples of procedures in which the certification is required
: obtaining foreign citizenship, submitting documents for adoption overseas, sex change in the Interior Ministry.

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This certification is provided at the Health Burea : .
The applicant must attend the Health Bureau during office hours for this service, bringing the documents that the Israeli physician has signed (at some Bureaus, the documents may be sent by post – check with the relevant Bureau).
After being checked by the authorized physician at the District Health Bureau, whose signature is recognized by the Foreign Ministry, the Bureau’s physician will add his signature to the medical documents presented. (At sub-districts, it takes a few days to get the documents back).

FAQs :
What is the phenomenon of non-licensing institutions?
The exact extent of the problem is unknown and is estimated to be between 500 and 2000 elderly, This estimate is based on estimates of services for the elderly in the office of the attorney, Information from health offices and complaints about institutions Those who come to the geriatric ward.

These estimates are updated once per number Months. The total number of national day centers is 67 Operating without a permit.

What should I do if I have the preparations at home?
It is recommended to use other means to relieve toothache in children such as a dedicated chilled parenchyma or a painful area massage to relieve tooth pain in children.

What should I do if I have already used the preparation?
If a toothpaste relief product has been used in the past, side effects that have not developed with its use are not expected.

How can we know that the mikvah is under supervision?
His hope for a business license is under the supervision of the local authority and the Ministry of Health.

How do you know that the beach is under the supervision of the local authority and the Ministry of Health?
The declared beaches are under supervision. List of declared beaches on the Ministry of the Interior website.

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