Israel Ministry of Health : Provision Of Medical Rehabilitation for Seniors

Name of the Organization :State of Israel Ministry of Health
Type of Facility : Provision Of Medical Rehabilitation for Seniors
Applicable Country : Israel
Official Website :

Provision Of Medical Rehabilitation for Seniors

Medical rehabilitation is a right legally enshrined in the national health insurance law (1994) and is the responsibility of the HMO where the patient is a member.

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The importance of medical rehabilitation :
Freedom to function is one of the most important things in our lives. Loss of this independence and reliance on others are severely detrimental to a person’s well-being – both emotionally and in the quality of the person’s life, and this is a major crisis for the person and his/her family.

These are the common circumstances necessitating senior rehabilitation :
** Following a cerebrovascular accident (a stroke) and other neurological problems.
** Following a fractured femoral neck and other orthopedic problems, including amputations.
** As a result of a sharp decline in function, caused by a severe or long-term illness during which the patient was bedridden.

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Emphases for the medical rehabilitation process :
** The rehabilitation process focuses on the patient and provides the tools necessary for dealing with his/her disability, for improving the everyday functions and to take responsibility for the patient’s state, while gradually resuming a normal daily routine.

** It is of the utmost importance that rehabilitation be provided without delay, to seize the window of opportunity for achieving he optimum improvement in the patient’s state.
** Medical rehabilitation is provided upon recommendation by a doctor. For a patient hospitalized in a general hospital – the recommendation for rehabilitation will be given, as a rule, along with the discharge papers.

** location of the rehabilitation is suited to the patient’s needs and can be one of the following : rehabilitative hospitalization (in a rehabilitation ward or a geriatric rehabilitation ward), rehabilitative outpatient, rehabilitation center, a dedicated institute (such as a physiotherapy institute) or rehabilitation at the patient’s home, if conditions enable.

** length of the rehabilitation depends on a combination of a number of factors, including the type of injury, the patient’s medical condition, rate of progress of the treatment, etc. As a rule, there is a minimum period of rehabilitation for various medical conditions. (According to “criteria for provision of rehabilitative care for seniors”).

About Us :
The Ministry of Health bears national responsibility for ensuring the health of the population of Israel. The ministry determines the policy on matters of health and medical services, and is in charge of planning, supervision and control, licensing and coordination of the health system’s services.

The ministry deals with the organization, operation and provision of preventive, diagnostic, treatment, rehabilitation and research services – directly or via medical institutions.

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