Applications for Information under the Provisions of Information Act : State of Israel Ministry of Health

Name of the Organization :State of Israel Ministry of Health
Type of Facility : Applications for Information under the Provisions of Information Act
Country : Israel

Official Website :

Applications for Provisions of the Freedom of Information Act :

Service Description :
In the Freedom of Information Act, 1998, the legal right of every Israeli citizen, resident or legally registered corporation in Israel to receive information as it exists within the public authority and within the constraints of the law is recognized.

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Application Handling Process :
** Receipt of the application, and entering it into the system.
** If the the information exist on the website, referral of the applicant to the site.
** If the applicant requests the department to locate the information – issue of a letter acknowledging receipt of the application, and direction to pay the fee (see amounts below). If the fee was paid prior to the application, a letter of acknowledgment of receipt of the application and acknowledgment of receipt of payment shall be sent within 14 days.
** Conveying of the application to the professional personnel for obtaining the requested information.
** When the application involves a third party, the department requests their permission to convey the information.
** Receipt of the information from the professional personnel. In the event that 30 days pass from receipt of payment and the information is not received, a letter will be sent to the applicant about the delay in obtaining the information.
** If location of the information involves additional work, a direction will be conveyed to the applicant for an additional payment, further to the fee for the requested information.

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How to Submit an Application :
** The application must exactly clarify what information is requested.
** The application may be lodged directly on the website, including payment of the fee. If the fee is not paid in advance, it should be paid after receipt of the letter from the department (via the website or by post – see below).

Fee Payment :
** A Freedom of Information application involves payment of an application fee, unless the requested information pertains to information about the applicant.
** Additional fees charged under the provisions of the law and the Freedom of Information Regulations (Fees), 1999, are :
** Application processing fee, charged for each hour of processing starting from the third hour of processing, or in case of a person requesting information about himself, from the seventh hour of processing;
** Issuing fee charged for printing out the requested information or storing it on magnetic media.
** Details of the fee amounts can be found at the website of the government payments service.

About Us :
The Ministry of Health bears national responsibility for ensuring the health of the population of Israel. The ministry determines the policy on matters of health and medical services, and is in charge of planning, supervision and control, licensing and coordination of the health system’s services.

The ministry deals with the organization, operation and provision of preventive, diagnostic, treatment, rehabilitation and research services – directly or via medical institutions.

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