Issue of Notification of Death & Obtaining a Burial Permit : State of Israel Ministry of Health

Name of the Organization :State of Israel Ministry of Health
Type of Facility : Process for Issue of Notification of Death & Obtaining a Burial Permit
Country : Israel

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Process for Issue of Notification of Death & Obtaining a Burial Permit :

Information for families of deceased individuals :
** We begin by offering our condolences on the death of your loved one.
** We would like to bring to your attention important information concerning the eligibility for burial services.

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The process for arranging burial for the deceased includes the following steps :
** The filling in of a Notification of Death form by the physician or the Magen David Adom paramedic who was present.
** The issue of a burial permit by physicians authorized to do so (mainly in hospitals and in the Health Bureaus).
** Transfer of the deceased to the funeral home (under the responsibility of the chevra kadisha burial societies or authorized burial organizations). ** Burial in the cemetery

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Issue of a Notification of Death
** In case the death occurred at hospital, the hospital physician will fill in the Notification of Death, to be conveyed to the Patient Admission and Release Office in the hospital or to the family.
** In case the death occurred at home or outside the hospital, a physician or a Magen David Adom intensive care team, authorized to declare death, should be called. The Declaration of Death Form will be completed by the paramedic or the physician present. The form will then be delivered to the Health Bureau for completion, and a burial permit

Obtaining a Burial Permit :
In order to set a time for the funeral (in coordination with the chevra kadisha burial society or authorized burial organization), the burial permit must be produced.
At most hospitals, the burial permit can be obtained directly from the hospital. This can be checked at the Patient Admission and Release Office in the hospital.

Documents Required for the Issue of a Burial Permit at the Health Bureau :
** Notification of Death, filled in by the medical team at the place of death (at home or in hospital), in 4 copies.
** Magen David Adom report (in case Magen David Adom attended).
** Declaration of Death form, filled in by a paramedic (if a Magen David Adom paramedic attended).
** Waiver of Autopsy form, filled in by the police, in case the person died at home and police were called (and not at hospital).
** Identity card, or other official certificate carrying the deceased’s photograph.

About Us :
The Ministry of Health bears national responsibility for ensuring the health of the population of Israel. The ministry determines the policy on matters of health and medical services, and is in charge of planning, supervision and control, licensing and coordination of the health system’s services.

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