MOTA Ministry of Tourism & Antiquities Jordan : Applying for Reclassification

Name of the Organization : Ministry of Tourism & Antiquities
Type of Facility : Applying for Reclassification
Country : Jordan

Official Website :

Applying for Reclassification :

** Submit compulsory classification and licensing application to the authorized directorate at MoTA.
** Approved inspectors conduct a physical assessment of the establishment and quality inspection for 4 and 5 star hotels

Related : MOTA Renewing Definite Star Classification Jordan :

** If the establishment does not meet all required standards
** establishment meets all required standards
** The establishment will be granted a repair period of up to 3 months to comply with all requirements
** The establishment can dispute the Definite Star Classification by addressing a motivated request to the Appeal Body
** The applicant must submit a compulsory application for final classification to MoTA along with an updated Self-Assessment
** Upon receipt of the application, the classification committee studies and reviews the self-assessment form and assigns

Classification Grade after providing the following certificates and approvals
** Certificate of Registration at Jordan Hotel Association;
** Certificate of Registration at Jordan Tourism Board (for 3-star hotels and above and the equivalent for hotel suites and apartments);
** Completed statistics form and submitted to the Department of Statistics at MoTA;
** Install the required security equipment and the human resources needed to operate it (required for 4 and 5 stars);
** A valid insurance policy against civil liability for visitors;

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First step :
The applicant must submit a compulsory application for final classification to MoTA along with an updated Self-Assessment Form.

Second step :
Upon receipt of the application, the classification committee studies and reviews the self-assessment form and assigns Approved Inspectors to conduct a physical assessment of the establishment.

Approved Inspectors will inspect the facility and services provided against the criteria and standards of the requested grade, (Standards and Criteria are listed in this manual).

Payment of legal fees. :
The establishment can dispute the Definite Star Classification by addressing a request to the Appeal Body. The appeal has to be submitted within 1 month after the date ofthe definite classification it concerns and is decided upon within 1 month after receipt.This decision is binding upon all parties concerned.This process is illustrated in Figure 3.
Submit compulsory classification and licensing application to the authorized directorate at MoTA.Approved inspectors conduct a
physical assessment of the Establishment and quality inspection for 4 and 5 star hotel sIf the establishment does not meet all required standards The establishment will be granted are pair period of upto 3 months to comply with all

Download Procedure :

About Us :
Activating the role of the tourism industry to highlight Jordan’s attractions and to distinguish Jordan as a unique tourism destination, and in appreciation of the role of tourism to national income by generating foreign exchange earnings, and, in recognition of the important role of the private sector in investment and development, this Ministry will work towards developing tourism in a comprehensive and integrated approach to express the nation’s legacy, culture, history, heritage, inheritance, successive civilizations and economic prosperity as well as enhancing the noble human values based on peace and mutual respect among nations.

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