MOFA Obtain a Non conviction certificate Iraq : Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Name of the Organization : Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Type of Facility : Obtain a Non conviction certificate
Country : Iraq

Official Website : http://www.mofa.gov.iq/en/consular-services/non-conviction-certificate

MOFA Obtain a Non-conviction certificate

obtain a Non Conviction Certificates (Certificates of Good Conduct) :
In order to help the Iraqi citizens living abroad ,or Arabs and foreigners who have already reside in Iraq, obtaining a Non Conviction Certificates , they need to follow these steps :

Related : MOFA Provisions of Certificate of Origin Iraq : www.statusin.org/5679.html

** To apply for getting the certificate to the consul or his nominee , according to the application form (No. 3 ) .
** To write down accurately all information in the record of the applicant according to the form number (2).
** To write down accurately all information in the finger prints form according to form number (5).

** To put fingers prints of the certificate requester clearly according to the form number (6).
** To attach a passport photocopy of the certificate requester .
** To attach four new colored photographs.
** An amount of (10,000 ) ten thousand Iraqi dinars to be collected by the Directorate of Criminal Evidences Investigations in Baghdad ( letter of the Consular Department No. m . G 01/26/1460 at 03/24/2011 ) .
** To send all that has been mentioned in the paragraphs above along with a letter from the embassy to the Directorate of Criminal Evidences Investigations. Then the certificate to be issued and brought back to the mission in the same way it was received.
** It is necessity to write the name of the certificate requester in a foreign language according to his passport.

Notes :
** The form of the certificate to be given for the Iraqis is the same to be given for the Arabs or foreigners who have already staying in Iraq .
** The certificate issued needs no ratification by the Ministry of Interior.
** To put the left hand thumb print of the requester in the proper field on the certificate under the supervision of the embassy’s competent official.
** To use black ink instead of the blue when taking fingerprints .

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FAQs :
What is the mechanism of obtaining approvals on granting visas to the Arab and foreigner investors?
The Arab and foreigner investors are required to contact the National Investment Commission of the Cabinet Presidency, which e-mail and website are stated, about our circular above.

All our missions abroad are required to affix these information on the bulletin board on the frontage of the mission premises for information. The Investment Commission shall obtain the approvals during 72 hours and contact us in this respect to authorize our missions to grant visas.

What are the instructions for granting group visas for the religious tourism groups?
The group visa is granted to a group of 10 members or more. Their names shall be arranged in lists (manifests) by the Iraqi tour and travel companies and the companies in the countries requiring to group visitors.

The Iraqi receiving company shall contact the tourism board to obtain the approval over granting visas and then approach the Consular Department to authorize our missions abroad to grant visas.

This is in normal cases, yet sometimes there are exemptions to be issued in the religious events, where the approval of the Ministry of Internal, over authorizing our missions abroad and the border points to grant visas, is obtained. The validity period of approval shall be for a limited time.

Can the applications, for granting foreigner workers visas to enter Iraq, be processed?
This applications for granting foreigner workers visas to enter Iraq are to be stopped, except for housekeepers.

Categories: Iraq
Tags: mofa.gov.iq
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