MOFA Issuance Of Passport Laissez Iraq : Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Name of the Organization : Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Type of Facility : Issuance Of Passport Laissez
Country : Iraq

Official Website : http://www.mofa.gov.iq/en/

Issuance Of Passport Laissez :

It has 6 months validity from the date of issuance, the bearer has the right to enter Iraq once and the Consul at the mission is permitted, if necessary, to add other countries and accompanying persons. It is granted in the following cases : –

Related : MOFA  Issue new passport for Loss of passport Iraq : www.statusin.org/5674.html

** When the citizen loses his/her/her passport and is willing to return to Iraq.
** In case of withdrawing a citizen’s passport and wants to return to Iraq.
** In case of deporting an indigent person to Iraq.
** In case when a foreigner that enters Iraq from an unknown destination, or bears a nationality of a state that has no representation in Iraq and wants to travel to his/her state or a state that accepts him.

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Documents relied upon to prove in regards to paragraph :
** national identity Card.
** Citizenship Certificate.
** Copy of valid passport.
The citizen fills a form containing information about his/her name, birth date, place of residence, and former passport number if any, his/her address in Iraq with the names and addresses of people he knows.

Procedures for the issuance Passport Laissez :
** The information is written in the record issuance of the passport Laissez, appendix No. ** as well as a photo of the citizen in addition to indicating the documents on which the issuance of the passport counted.
** The information and photo of the citizen and accompanying citizens are put in the passport; the photos are stamped with the Consulate stamp.
** Writing the passport number and date of issuance and expiry (which usually is limited to six months).
** Notes in the visas page are put as follows : We have issued this passport for the loss of the passport of the holder to enable him to return to Iraq.
** The passport is signed by the Consul and stamped by the consular stamp, the name of the Consul is written in both languages.

Note :
** This passport is used for a single trip, to return to Iraq, and is delivered at the point of entry into the Iraqi territories.
** It is necessary to write the reason for granting the passport in one of its pages and send a telegram to the Consular Department with the passport number and date of issuance and the border point through which the citizen wishes to enter to inform the concerned authorities on time.

About Us :
** The new Iraq inherited a heavy legacy of hostility and distrust as a result of the irresponsible policies of the former regime towards the neighboring and far countries which led to a decline in the country’s position in the international community.

** The Foreign Ministry in the new Iraq faced these challenges and still, to address that legacy in a bid to retrieve ‘s position that befits rich civilization heritage and its people and its riches.

Categories: Iraq
Tags: mofa.gov.iq
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