MOFA Issue death certificate Iraq : Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Name of the Organization : Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Type of Facility : Issue death certificate
Country : Iraq

Official Website : http://www.mofa.gov.iq/en/consular-services/death-certificate

Issue Death Certificate :

After the person in charge of the Consular work confirms the death of Iraqi C, the Consular Section registers the death in an Iraqi death certificate issues it on the basis of Article 10 of the law of births and deaths’ registration, which issued based on Arab or Foreign death certificate, certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the work area of the Mission.

Related : MOFA Issue Certificate of Ratification Iraq : www.statusin.org/5663.html

The Consul writes down the information in all the certificate fields and information of the Civil Status Card of the deceased , his son or his wife , the death certificate shall not be issued to a person other than an Iraqi, the death certificate

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issued in four copies are : –
** The first copy (white copy) a copy of the Civil Status and the second copy (red copy) a copy of relatives and the third copy (green or yellow) Electronic system copy and fourth copy (blue copy) save by the Consular Section of the Embassy for the purpose of reference when needed.
** Copies of Civil Status and Electronic system are sent to the Ministry of Health / Department of Health and Life Statistics attached with replica image of the death certificate certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the work area of the Mission with a picture of the Civil Status Card of the deceased in the first mail.
** The consul should always remember some of the fields contained in the certificate for the Consular Section, including : –
** Date of issuance of the death certificate – stamped with the seal of Consular

Procedure :
The death certificate is essential to the family of the deceased for the purpose of registration in the civil records and restrictions and issues of inheritance and legacies, therefore the family copy of the certificate must be delivered to the relatives for the purpose of registration in the civil status records. If the Mission suspects that the death

Notes :
The duration to inform about the death outside Iraq is (45) days from the date of death and the implementation of paragraph (a) of Article (10) of the amended law of births and deaths No. (148) for the year 1971. In the case of delays in death informing, a sum of ten thousand dinars must be paid as a fine or a sum equivalent to ($8.50) as late registration

About Us :
** The new Iraq inherited a heavy legacy of hostility and distrust as a result of the irresponsible policies of the former regime towards the neighboring and far countries which led to a decline in the country’s position in the international community.

** The Foreign Ministry in the new Iraq faced these challenges and still, to address that legacy in a bid to retrieve ‘s position that befits rich civilization heritage and its people and its riches.

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