MOFA Passport Issuance Iraq : Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Name of the Organization : Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Type of Facility : Passport Issuance
Country : Iraq

Official Website : http://www.mofa.gov.iq/en/

Passports Issuance :

Some Instructions for a new passport issuance :
** if the citizen possesses no identity documents , he contact his family
** It is possible to issue a passport for the child, regardless of their age after getting an approval from his parents .

Related : MOFA Iraq Passport system : www.statusin.org/5665.html

** it is not possible to issue a passport based only on the Civil Status Card , without the nationality certification.
** An applicant for a passport should be present in person to the mission.
** Applications for a passport for women and children living outside Iraq, needs no approval of those charged with authority.
** The old personal documents can be used in condition that the embassy employee confirms that the applicant himself holds those documents.
** The naturalized winning the Iraqi citizenship under the new law No. (26) 2006 needs to provide a nationality certificate.
** Passports to be issued only from the Ministry not from the missions.
** A passport of an Iraqi citizens should not be taken back only by a decision of the higher authorities.

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Passport Electronic Edition :
** Validity of this edition is eight years with no extension .
** Passport edition (A) 2009
** this edition issued in 2009 and considered as a completion of the passport edition (G) but not a substitution for it . Anyone who holds the passport edition (G) cannot be granted a passport of edition (A) unless it ends its pages or became invalid .
** The missions organized the palpations for these passports and sent them electronically to the Directorate of Passports for printing them and send them to the missions concerned.
** Validity of these passports is eight years and could not be extended.
** Issuance of these passports are currently in Iraq (Directorate of Passports) .
** The form no. (1) is used at the present time for obtaining the passport (A).

Requirements for obtaining passport Edition (A)
** Signature to be put on the right box and thumbprint in the left box.
** The applicant’s photo to be stamped with the consular seal .
** The form should be signed by the consul with the consular stamped seal .
** The form and the attachments should be sent electronically to the Directorate of Passports :

Attachments of the passport application for edition :
** fee is (20) U.S. dollars or its equivalent in other currencies .
** Three color photos ( white background ) .
** a color copy of a the nationality card .
** a color copy of the Civil Status Document .

About Us :
** The new Iraq inherited a heavy legacy of hostility and distrust as a result of the irresponsible policies of the former regime towards the neighboring and far countries which led to a decline in the country’s position in the international community.

** The Foreign Ministry in the new Iraq faced these challenges and still, to address that legacy in a bid to retrieve ‘s position that befits rich civilization heritage and its people and its riches.

Categories: Iraq
Tags: mofa.gov.iq
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