Apply Online For Certificate of Recovery Israel : Ministry of Health

Organisation : Ministry of Health
Facility Name : Apply Online for Certificate of Recovery
Country : Israel
Last Date : 30.06.2021
Website :

MOH Israel Recovery Certificate

A certificate of recovery is an official document confirming you have recovered from COVID-19. It is valid until 30.6.2021; for recovered patients who have been vaccinated – it is valid for maximum six months.

Who Is Eligible?

Confirmed cases will be considered recovered patients, if both prerequisites below are met; note that you will not have to get tested if

** At least 10 days elapsed since the date of the first positive (or borderline positive) coronavirus test and within 7 days following to the test you have been considered a confirmed case

** In the last three days, you had no symptoms: fever of 38 degrees Celsius or higher, difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, cough or any other respiratory symptom, which is not improving, vomiting or diarrhea.

Nose discharge as a single symptom, loss of taste or smell and ongoing cough do not prevent assignment as a recovered patient


** Recovered, non-vaccinated individuals and serologically-confirmed recovered individuals: until 30.6.2021
** Recovered individuals after the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine: for six months from the day of the first dose
** Recovered individuals after two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine: for six months from the day of the second dose

How To Apply?

The certificate of recovery is available for download from this website.

Steps :
Step 1 : Visit the official website through

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Step 2 : Select the document you apply for
Step 3 : Enter Your Personal information. The information you provide will be used to retrieve details that are registered to your I.D.

Step 4 : Finally click on “Submit” button to complete your application
Note : If you are eligible for a certificate, you will be able to download it or have it emailed to you


1. I have tried to get a vaccination certificate, or a certificate of recovery, but I got an error message (Oops… Something went wrong with your identification). What can I do?
Contact your HMO to check whether the I.D. number, phone number, and date of birth you filled out in the form are identical to the ones that the HMO has.

If you are a soldier, check with the Adjutancy Corps whether your details are up-to-date.

2. I have applied for a vaccination certificate, but I got a message that I was not eligible for it. Why?
Only people that the HMO registered them as recovered are eligible for this certificate. If you have recovered, please contact your HMO to check whether your status as a recovered patient has been registered. If you are both recovered and vaccinated, you can apply for a certificate of recovery only.

3. I have a Green Pass issued and its validity did not expire yet. Are there any places where I will be required to present it?
No. The requirement to present the Green Pass will be lifted effective 1.6.2021, in accordance with the Ministry of Health’s resolution.

4. I am a recovered patient and have taken a serologic test. Am I eligible for a certificate of recovery from the Ministry of Health?
If you have been tested in the HMO laboratories, you may have your certificate of recovery issued through the Ministry of Health.

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