Covid-19 Vaccination Appointment Booking Barbados

Organization : Ministry of Health
Facility : Covid-19 Vaccination Appointment Booking
Country : Barbados
Last Date : 20.06.2021
Website :

Barbados Vaccination Appointment Booking

To be able to book an appointment for a vaccine, you will need to meet the following criteria
** You must be 40 years and older
** You have not had a positive COVID Test within the last 3-6 months

Related / Similar Service : Covid-19 Reschedule Vaccine Appointment

Please check with your medical doctor if you have any health concerns relating to pre-existing medical conditions and taking the vaccine.

Note :
You may book only one appointment timeslot per person for a vaccine. You can RESCHEDULE your appointment. Your appointment will be confirmed by either email or text message (via cell phone). You must fill one of these fields correctly in order to receive your confirmation

Appointment Schedule

The Appointment System is open from June 14th – 20th, 2021.

How to Book?

Steps :
Step 1 : Visit the official website through provided above.
Step 2 : Read the instructions carefully
Step 3: Next, click on the “Schedule Your Appointment” button at the end of the page.

Related Post

Step 4 : Fill the Registration Form with the following details,
** Personal Information
** Medical Information
** Scheduling Information

Step 5 : Finally click on the “Submit” button to book your appointment.

Note :
** By booking your appointment online, you acknowledge and agree to receive your appointment information by email/mobile. Your personal information is being collected through this site.

** In an effort to address the unprecedented challenges posed by the Coronavirus (COVID-19), your personal data collected via this application might be shared with the Relevant Public Health Authorities as part of data collection efforts..

High Demand :
Demand for appointments is high. We are sorry if there are currently few or no appointments available to book online. We kindly ask you to check the website again in a few hours. We release any appointments available for booking online as they are identified.


1. What is Coronavirus (COVID-19)?
COVID-19 is a new strain of a coronavirus that has been discovered recently in China and has spread around the world.

Main symptoms :
** Shortness of breath.
** Fever.
** Cough.
** Loss of the sense of smell and taste.
** Digestive symptoms.
** Symptoms of upper respiratory infection: sore throat, runny nose.
** Myalgia (muscle pain).
** There are cases that do not develop symptoms until after a laboratory diagnosis.

2. What are the preventive methods?
** Wear a mask when out in public.
** Follow health and social distancing guidelines.
** Wash your hands regularly and thoroughly using soap and water. Use alcohol-based sanitizers.

** Clean and disinfect objects and surfaces that are frequently used.
** Cover your mouth when sneezing or coughing and dispose of used tissues properly.
** Avoid contact with people experiencing fever or suffering from a cough.


If you have any queries concerning your appointment or you are 70 and over and require help booking your appointment please call 832-3906/832-0194/832-5893/832-0583 Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm.

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