Apply For Personal Loan Lebanon : Bankmed

Name of the Organization : BankMed
Type of Facility : Apply For Personal Loan
Country : Lebanon

Website : http://www.bankmed.com.lb/Personal/MedLoans/PersonalLoan.aspx

Personal Loan :

At one time or another, everyone needs to borrow. At BankMed, we offer a variety of personal loans to help you enjoy life’s pleasures today.

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Whether it is an unexpected expense, a home improvement cost, tuition, or even travel, we offer you at BankMed the optimal and instant solution to cover your financial needs.

Loan Benefits:

** Borrow between $1,000 and $20,000 or its equivalent in LL.
** Flexible repayment options.
** Competitive interest rates in LL and USD.
** Fast Approval.
** Minimal paperwork.

Approval for a BankMed Personal loan has never been easier!

Stop today at your nearest BankMed branch to apply.

To learn more about Personal Loan, please contact BankMed call center on 01 – 70 80 90, available 24/7 to answer all your questions, or visit one of our branches.

Smart Loan:

Have it your way!
Get the cash now and pay later.

What is the value of a Personal Loan if you can’t have your way?:
Get in-principle approval on your personal loan within 48 hours, and start your first payment after six months!

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Whether you need to finance your wedding, renovate your house, pay travel expenses, BankMed Personal Loan meets all your needs with a CASH solution and a LONG GRACE PERIOD!

Loan Benefits:

** In-principle approval within 48 hours
** Finding amount up to USD 10,000
** First payment after six months
** Convenient repayment period up to 36 months, starting January 2015
** Fixed monthly installments for easy budgeting


A Lebanese citizen
Aged between 21 and 60 years

Minimum Monthly Income:
** For Employees, Self Employed and Professionals:
** At least 3 years of uninterrupted service with current employer
** Minimum monthly basic salary: USD 1,500 (or its equivalent)

For Self Employed and Professionals:
** At least 3 years in the same business or profession
** Minimum monthly income: USD 2,000 (or its equivalent)

Documents Required :

** Copy of ID
** Certified salary certificate at least 21 days from the date of the application

Self Employed:
** Copy of ID
** Copy of certificate of registration on the trade register.
** Bank account statement for the last 6 months
** Financial statements for the last 2 years

** Copy of ID
** Valid Syndicate Card
** Bank account statement for the last 6 months
** Financial statements for the last 2 years ( if available)

* Additional documents may be required depending on the case.

Monthly installments are calculated according to the monthly income on condition the single installment does not exceed 33% of the monthly salary for employees and 25% of the monthly income for the self-employed and professionals.

Prepayment of the remaining loan installments before maturity date is allowed. A prepayment penalty, up to 4% of the loan balance, will be applied by the Bank. This amount varies according to the number of paid installments, as long as the amount is not less than USD 100 and is subject to the Bank’s terms and conditions.

The approval of the Loans remains at the sole discretion of BankMed sal.

Categories: Lebanon

View Comments (2)

  • Object Request of a financial loan
    Dear Manager,
    Letter Recommendation
    I do ask your highness, by the present requesting from God to protect you and to protect Lebanon from devils,to grant me financial loan of $75 000 Dollars that I'll repay within short term. I'm an investor on Wall Street and I have an income permanent from rent apartment..
    Madam Nancy Jundi asked me to deposit my documents in shehim Branch and the administration Boards of Beirut will decide..but Shehim Branch refused it. The receptionists Ali Seif eldine and Mr Saad from my town called a one. So I deposit my request in your Bankmed Center and I hope you approve..
    Please do accept my thanks,and accept my hope to you and to your family that God grant you a good health and perseverance of Lebanon its success and its development.

    Respectfully yours
    Beirut Lebanon

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