Register For SMS Banking : Kuwait Finance House KFH

Name of the Organization : Kuwait Finance House
Type of Facility : Register For SMS Banking
Country : Kuwait

Website : http://www.kfh.com/en/services/sms-banking/index.aspx

Register For SMS Banking :

Subscribe to the enhanced “SMS Baitak” service and keep track of your banking accounts and Credit Card transactions through instant alerts:
** When any change occurs on your banking account balance.
** Any transaction done through your Credit Card ( International) or ATM Card

Related : KFH Current Account Opening Procedure : www.statusin.org/5931.html

You could choose from one of the following options :
Option 1: Extended Transaction Alerts:
1. Instant SMS alert for any banking transaction irrespective of its value.


2. Instant SMS alert for transactions above a certain specified amount

Option 2: Regular Transaction Alerts:
1. Salary Posting Alert

2. Balance Change Notification at a specified time

You can subscribe for SMS Baitak through KFH Online, “Allo Baitak” # 1 80 33 33 or by visiting your nearest branch.

Related Post

Sign Up Now : http://www.kfh.com/en/services/sms-banking/sms-signup.aspx

FAQs :
Can KFH customer open more than one gold account?
KFH customer may not open more than one active gold account. It is not permitted to have more than one gold account in the customer file.

Which customers can open a gold account?
Account may be opened for retail customers only and may not be opened for corporate bodies. Owner of the gold account shall not be less than 21 years in age.

Who is entitled to open “Baiti” account?
** Father (Natural guardian).
** Grandfather (Fathers side) in case of father’s death.
** Legal guardian as per a court order.

** Donor (with/without court order) provided that he signs the related declaration provided that the donor shall not manage the account without a court order.
** Note : Donor means (any person legally qualified to submit an account opening application and deposit an amount of money as a donation).

Does the investment plan “Rafaa” include a Takaful Coverage?
Yes. Takaful insurance policy is issued automatically in the customer’s name when plan is established. In case of death or a total permanent disability (due to sickness or accident) during the plan validity period the Takaful insurance shall cover the remaining targeted and unpaid amount.

When do amounts saved as per “Rafaa” investment Plan mature for payment?
Saved amount plus accumulated profit during investment period shall mature for payment upon expiration of the investment plan.

What is the mechanism and conditions of establishing the flexible investment plan “Themar”?
** Customer age shall be 21 – 55 years old.
** A plan is established in the customer’s name and a Takaful policy is issued automatically in his name with the plan

** Targeted investment amounts starts from KD 5000/- to KD 20000/-
** Investment period ranges between 5 – 39 years.
** Amounts are transferred automatically on monthly basis from the customer’s account to the investment plan account “Themar”

What are the types of usufruct?
Usufruct types are as follows :
** Rest house e.g. (chalet – farm – livestock farm ….etc.)
** Investment e.g. (Industrial plots – warehouses …etc.)

Categories: Kuwait
Tags: kfh.com
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