Netherlands eNCC Service : rechtspraak.nl

Organisation : Netherlands Commercial Court
Facility Name : eNCC Service
Applicable For : Anyone
Country : Netherlands
Website : https://www.rechtspraak.nl/English/NCC/Pages/eNCC.aspx

Netherlands eNCC Service

You will be directed to the eNCC log-in page on the Netherlands Bar Association (NBA) site. The NBA site may have a privacy policy that is different from NCC privacy policy.

On the eNCC log-in page, lawyers may log in to eNCC using their membership card issued by NBA. There is no access to eNCC without such a card. Please contact NBA with any queries regarding such cards.


1. If I must submit documents electronically in a case, can I submit documents by fax, post or email in that case?
No. However, the court may ask you to submit an original document or a hard copy.

2. I sent a message in eNCC. How can I be sure eNCC received it?
You get a confirmation of receipt for everything that you send in eNCC. You can download the confirmation of receipt and save it on your computer. In addition, you can view whatever you sent in eNCC in Messages and in the Case File.

3. What time does eNCC use as the time my messages or documents are received?
It’s the time when eNCC receives everything in your messages or documents. It’s not the time you start sending your messages or documents. The time of receipt is stated on the confirmation.

4. I have a deadline to initiate an action or submit a document. What is the deadline for submitting something in eNCC?
Anything you send must be received in eNCC before midnight on the deadline date.

5. Does eNCC remember data I have entered but not sent?
Yes, unsent data are retained for 72 hours. In that window, if you log in, eNCC will ask whether you would like to keep working on the retained data or delete these data.

6. Can I withdraw a message or document in eNCC?
No. Once you send a message or document in eNCC, you cannot withdraw it.

7. How can I find a case, message or document in eNCC?
To sort cases, messages and documents, click on the column titles. For example, you can sort a case file by date (ascending and descending). But don’t forget the case file may be several pages.

There is no way to search for information in the PDF files, but in parts of the case file (i.e., exhibits and documents in the referring court and lower court tabs), you can use a search term to search file names.

8. Can everyone with access to the case file view all messages and documents in the file?
Yes. There are a few exceptions.

Categories: Netherlands
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