Qatar Islamic Bank : SMS Banking

Name of the Organization : Qatar Islamic Bank
Type of Facility : SMS Banking
Country : Qatar

Website :

SMS Banking :

You can bank with us by simply sending us an SMS. This service is virtually instantaneous and very easy to use.

Related : Qatar Islamic Bank Apply For e-Statement :

How do you do it?:
Simply follow the directions below for the specific service you are looking for and send the request via SMS to 92699.

Requesting account balance:
Send the message (BAL).For specific account balance; send the message (BAL) followed by account number or nicknameleaving a space between the two.

Requesting for credit card available balance:
Send the message CBAL followed by your creditcard number or nickname, leaving a space between the two.

Requesting the last three transactions for a specific account:
Send the message TXN followed by the account number or the nickname, leaving a space between the two.

Requesting the last three transactions for your credit card:
Send the message CRT followed by your credit card number or nickname, leaving a space between the two.

Related Post

Requesting account statements to be sent via email:
Send the message EMS followed by your account number or nickname and the number of months, leaving a space between all three.

The first two months are free of charge; earlier months will be subject to charges according to current QIB Tariffs and Charges.

For the following service, you will initially need to talk with the Contact Center to define your service:
Transferring funds between your own accounts:
When you register, you will be asked to define your own personal service code to transfer funds between your accounts. To transfer, send your personal service code and the amount you wish to transfer, leaving a spacein between. You will be asked to confirm or to cancel withanother SMS:

To confirm the transaction enter “1” and send to (92699) to cancel the transaction please enter”2″ and send to (92699)

Forgot your services or need help?:
No problem. Send the message (HELP) to 92699, and we will send back a SMS with a list of your defined codes.If you send an invalid message, you will receive an SMS from us directing you how to do it properly

ATM and CDM Banking :
With over 150 ATMs (automated teller machines) and CDMs (cash deposit machines) in Qatar, you can almost be sure that there is an ATM or CDM near your home, office or simply at a shopping mall.

About Us :
Qatar Islamic Bank (QIB) was the first Islamic bank to start operating in the country in 1982 and it is still the largest today: The Bank currently holds 42% share of the Islamic banking sector and approximately12% of the total domestic banking sector.

As of end June 2017, the total Shareholders’ Equity of the bank amounted to QAR 14.3 billion (3.93 billion US Dollars) with total assets reaching QAR 147 billion (40.35billion US Dollars).

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